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This project is a prototype for a peer to peer system where organisations collect lists of contacts, deduplicate them based on phonetics and then shares anonimised version of the contacts between themeselves to check which contacts they have in common wihtout sharing personal information. Inspired by analysis for the humanitarian cash transfer f…


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This project is a prototype for a peer to peer system where organisations collect lists of contacts, deduplicate them based on phonetics and then shares anonimised version of the contacts to check which contacts organisations have in common wihtout sharing personal information.

The project is a Flask+RestPlus API server. Most endpoints follow the REST structure, custom actions are identified by the /rpc/ token in the url. Running the server runs the swagger documentation which explains all endpoints.

Ihyih running


The general idea has been outlined in "Beirut August 2020 Explosion Emergency Response, Registration Deduplication + Assistance Coordination Technical Solution"

Here is a summary of the current capabilities of Ihyid nodes:

  • save new contacts, compute their phonetic ids, create a 32 byte noise, concatenate the two and hash to create the uscadi id (unique, singular, common, anonymous deduplication, identifier aka uscadi)
  • check for duplicates based on phonetic ids
  • accept a list of uscadi and secrets (list of anonymous contacts) from another node and respond with known/unknown
  • register a new node representing another organisation collecting contacts
  • API access level is different for admin users and normal users (e.g. admin can load and see contacts, normal user can only check anon lists)

Note that uscadi is different node by node because the secrets are different even when the phonetic details are the same.

Anonymous checks

Node A will create a list of its uscadis and the 32 bytes noises and send the two lists to node B. Node B will try combinations of its local phonetic ids, the received 32 bytes noises until it finds an uscadi matching one in the received list. Every match means that node B knows the same phonetic id of node A and thus knows that same contact. This is discovered without sharing contact details over the wire. The hash of the phonetic id is personal data under GDPR, so that is why phonetic ids canot be shared over the wire.

The test are the easiest way to see the logics at work:

Future Developments

  • introduce the concept of distribution list, a list of contacts which is receiving a service
  • more nodes can be invited to join a distribution list, they'll need to negotiate who is serving which contact without exchanging the contact details
  • extend the p2p workflows to create the negotiation between nodes
  • add a user interface
  • avoid non standard operations, e.g. use HMAC to generate uscadi, JSON canonical form to represent phonetic ids, etc..
  • introduce DIDs

The current working in progress list is in Issues.


All this instruction should be replicated in a container. This software is written for Python 3+

To use Ihyid it is recommended to install virtualenvwrapper:

pip3 install virtualenvwrapper

After cloning the repository:

cd ihyid
mkvirtualenv ihyid
workon ihyid
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Before launching you need to initialize the local db with SQLAlchemy (in fact its migration folder is excluded from this repository). These functions are wrapped by

python db init

if you are developing or testing, the default suggested db is SQLlite: to allow for ALTER TABLE you need to edit the migration/ by adding render_as_batch=True, at around line 85, in the context.configure instruction

python db migrate --message 'initial database migration'
python db upgrade

Configuration options

The repository comes with a template config file ( that you can clone and rename in The basic configuration uses SQLlite as testing db and redis as broker/backend for celery. The other options are:

  • ADMIN_EMAIL, ADMIN_USERNAME, ADMIN_PASSWORD the admin user details created at startup
  • KMI_TYPE, the type of key management infrastructure, for testing and developing there's an implementation which creates a private key file in the project folder (DEV), the stanard one for production is under development PYKMIP. When DIDs will be introduced ndoes will need to handle their own private keys and this is a basic infrastructure for that.
  • LOCAL_FLASK_PORT, which port will be used for Flask in localhost
  • EONPASS_USER, PWD and URL, will be the details to connect Ihyid to Eonpass for blockchain operations (like notarising the signatures). At the moment they are not used.
  • key, SECRET_KEY, is the one used to initialise bcrypt (standard for JWT tokens) and is passed via environment variable


Development / Test

Before running the server or the test, make sure your celery worker and broker are active:

pythong celery

Running the tests:

python test
python singletest -n "testfilename, e.g."    

Running a local development instance:

python run

Production Deployment

Ihyid must be deployed under Gunicorn and Ngnix. w.i.p.

Directory structure

Ihyid uses the following structure:

  • app/main
    • controller, the functions that describe the endpoints and create the swagger documentation
    • model, the SQLalchemy models
    • service, the business logics behind the endpoints described in the controllers
    • util, static utilities like KMI, decorators, dto, and (for now) celery tasks
  • /app/test holds the tests
  • /migrations the folder created by SQLalchemy on init


This project is sponsored by Eonpass as a research activity to see how to setup a peer to peer privacy preserving network for humanitarian cash transfers. In the future we expect to extend it with well formed W3C distributed identifiers.

The basic server architecture comes from Eonbasics, the node interface to manage a Bitcoin or Liquid node within the Eonpass protocol.


This project is a prototype for a peer to peer system where organisations collect lists of contacts, deduplicate them based on phonetics and then shares anonimised version of the contacts between themeselves to check which contacts they have in common wihtout sharing personal information. Inspired by analysis for the humanitarian cash transfer f…







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