Essence of Music (EOM)
- Table of Contents
- Description
- Link to Live Deployed Site
- Link to GitHub Repo
- Screenshot of Deployment
- Usage
- Contacts/Collaborators
- License
Essence of Music is a responsive and interactive application designed to fill the needs of our Users. We focused on the Users experience, therefore Essence of Music (EOM) includes the following:
- Sign-In capabilities for the users safety of personal information.
- Mobile phone adjustments, for the user on the go!
- A Lyric driven API installation allowing the user to read along, learn the song, and maybe even enjoy some Karaoke.
- Timed logout cookie, for user information protection.
The user will be presented with the Essence of Music login page initially. If this is the first time the User is signing in, they will be asked to create a profile. Once the profile is established, they will be presented with our Music Genre page, where they can select from our options of Pop, Country, Hip-Hop, etc.
One the user has selected the genre, they can select an artist, a song, or even a clip of the artist music video. If the User likes the song, click the "like" button to save the song into your My Playlist library. These songs will be saved for when the user logs back into the EOM page.
Yin Ping Gao (
Alexis Guzman (
Jacquez Patterson (
Thurston Cox (
- Express/Express-Handlebars/Express-Session
- SequelizeStore/Sequelize ORM
- Dotenv Configuration
- Node.js
- Lyric API
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.