A 2D roguelike designed around leveling is bad. (Incomplete)
Please read the contributing guidelines before starting any work on this project. If you made it through that, here are the next steps:
- Install the latest version of Unity.
- You can check what version we are currently using by looking through our PRs filtering by the tag
- Clone the repository.
- If you are using a command prompt paste the following line and hit enter:
git clone https://github.com/TigardHighGDC/Augmentation
- After the clone is sucessful, call the following line to update all of our submodules:
git submodule update --init --progress
- And finally, open the project in Unity.
- That's it! You are officially ready to start working on the project! We will be reviewing your PR soon, good luck soldier!
flowchart TB
classDef default text-align:left
subgraph MapGenerationSubgraph[Map Generation Steps]
direction TB
MapNode("<b>Map Manager</b>
The Map Manager determines whether a map has been saved before or if a new map needs to be generated.")
subgraph MapSavedSubgraph[Map Already Exists]
direction TB
LoadSavedMapNode("<b>Load Saved Map</b>
At this point a map has
already been generated and
saved using json.")
subgraph MapGenerationStepsSubgraph[Map Needs to be Generated]
direction TB
GetMapConfigNode("<b>Retrieve Map Generator Config</b>
The map generator has many options that are all stored in a
config file. An example of some of these options includes:
- Min and max number of nodes before the boss.
- How many starting nodes.
- Number of paths between nodes in a layer.")
MapLayersNode("<b>Create Map Layers</b>
Each map is split up into layers, each layer has a variable
number of nodes depending on the map config set. At this
step all, individual nodes are also generated from the
provided node blueprints from the map config.")
GenerateNodePathsNode("<b>Generate Linear Node Paths</b>
Generates a path from the starting nodes directly to the same
node of the next layer.
It is guaranteed that there will always be a path from all
starting nodes to the final boss node.")
RandomizeNodePositionsNode("<b>Randomize Node Positions</b>
In this step the physical placement of the nodes that are
going to be added to the map is randomized; based on the
map config.")
CreateNodeConnectionsNode("<b>Create Node Connections</b>
Connects all the nodes from one layer to all the nodes
of the next layer. This step does not check if the path is valid.")
RemoveCrossingPathsNode("<b>Remove Crossing Paths</b>
At this point we start to build a valid map. This step
removes all the paths between layers that cross over each
other. When a path is found this crosses it is randomized
what path will be removed.")
GenerateDynamicPathsNode("<b>Generate Dynamic Node Paths</b>
Now we have a valid template for the map, now we randomly
choose valid crossing paths from the available crossing
paths that we generated in the previous steps.")
subgraph DisplayMapSubgraph[Display Map]
ShowMapNode("Map has been generated and is ready to be
displayed to the player.")
MapNode ==> MapGenerationStepsSubgraph
MapNode ==> MapSavedSubgraph
GetMapConfigNode ==> MapLayersNode ==> GenerateNodePathsNode ==> RandomizeNodePositionsNode
RandomizeNodePositionsNode ==> CreateNodeConnectionsNode ==> RemoveCrossingPathsNode
RemoveCrossingPathsNode ==> GenerateDynamicPathsNode ==> DisplayMapSubgraph
LoadSavedMapNode ==> DisplayMapSubgraph
Copyright (c) TigardHighGDC
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0