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TKSBrokerAPI — Release notes


Technologies · Knowledge · Science


1.6.* (2023-09-25) — in progress...


Release development in progress...

New features
  • #119 The new example was implemented: Anomaly Volumes Detector is a simple Telegram bot for detecting anomaly volumes in Buyers and Sellers orders.
  • #111 TradeRoutines: CalculateLotsForDeal() method was implemented. This method can be used when you need to calculate lots to open position.
  • #112 TradeRoutines: HampelFilter() method was implemented. It allows you to detect anomaly (outlier, non-standard value, norm deviation) among the values of any number series using the Hampel filtering function. Hampel Filter detect outliers based on a sliding window and counting difference between median values and input values of series.
  • #113 TradeRoutines: HampelAnomalyDetection() method using Hampel Filter was implemented. This function returns the minimum index of elements in anomaly list or index of the first maximum element in input series if this index less than anomaly element index.
  • #114 Examples of using Hampel Filtering were implemented: 1) Jupyter Notebook with theory and practice (english and russian versions); 2) Python script example; 3) article: "How to quickly find anomalies in number series using the Hampel method" (english and russian versions).
  • #117 Bool filter with Rules for Opening/Closing positions by fuzzy Risk/Reach levels was added as bool matrices OPENING_RULES and CLOSING_RULES. CanOpen() and CanClose methods can check opening and closing positions rules in these matrices depend on fuzzy Risk/Reach levels.
  • #118 Methods for calculation Fuzzy Risk and Fuzzy Reach levels were implemented: RiskLong(), RiskShort(), ReachLong() and ReachShort().
  • #14 "Orders Grid Setter" was implemented. This script can be set up a grid of orders (limit or stop, buy or sell) with defined steps and lots for a lot of instruments by its tickers in parallel mode conveyor.
  • #92 Mutex lock was implemented for the SendAPIRequest() method to avoid multiprocessing issues with unavailable resource.
  • #89 If you run TKSBrokerAPI platform instances in parallel mode, you can use additional tag in log messages to simplify instance identifying and debugging. It enables with the --tag key.
  • #99 TKSBrokerAPI logo was added to the templates of HTML reports.
  • #98 Field with not covered funds were added to margin status report (--user-info key).
  • #96 UpdateClassFields() method was implemented and some positive and negative tests were added. This method get config as dictionary (preloaded from YAML file) and apply key: value as names of class fields and values of class fields.
  • #100 Now, orders are close before closing positions in CloseAllByTicker() and CloseAllByTicker() methods. It will minimize blocked lots.
  • #104 Avoid FIGI-warnings in Overview() if self.figi is empty.
  • #106 SeparateByEqualParts() method was implemented. This method gets input list and try to separate it by equal parts of elements.
  • #27 Try...except block and some negative tests were added for NanoToFloat() method.
  • #28 Try...except block and some negative tests were added for FloatToNano() method.
  • #30 Try...except block and some negative tests were added for GetDatesAsString() method.
  • #33 Try...except block and some negative tests were added for _ParseJSON() method.
  • #107 onlyFiles parameter was added to some methods with show parameter: OverviewUserInfo(), OverviewAccounts(), OverviewLimits(), Deals(), Overview(), ShowListOfPrices(), GetListOfPrices(), SearchInstruments(), ShowInstrumentsInfo() and ShowInstrumentInfo(). It allows you to generate only report files, without displaying information in the console.
  • #116 API-doc with dark theme now.
  • #126 Operation type counts was updated in Deals report.
Bug fixes
  • #93 Bug fixed: KeyError: 'stopOrders' and KeyError: 'orders' in RequestPendingOrders() and RequestStopOrders() methods.
  • #94 Bug fixed in Overview() method: KeyError: 'currentNkd' if instrument is not a bond.
  • #95 Bug fixed: broken Overview table in Lots column.
  • #101 Bug fixed with incorrect calculation of available currency and analytics in Overview() tables.
  • #102 Bug fixed in Deals() method: KeyError: 'OPERATION_STATE_PROGRESS'. New state OPERATION_STATE_PROGRESS was added to the TKS_OPERATION_STATES constant.
  • #103 Format fixed.
  • #120 Bug fixed in History() method: KeyError: 'candles'. Additional check was added.
  • #121 Bug fixed in TKS_QUALIFIED_TYPES constant. Some values of qualified_for_work_with field was added in REST API, but not documented: foreign_bonds_russian_law, convertible_bonds, russian_bonds_foreign_law, non_quoted_instruments and option. Additional values was added to constant in this bug fix.
  • #122 For the import error like No module named 'Templates' into was added the instruction how to fix it.
  • #123 Bug ValueError was fixed in History() and LoadHistory() methods. Additional checks were added.
  • #124 Bug fixed: Incorrect values in view["stat"]["funds"] record.
  • #125 Bug fixed: KeyError: 'OPERATION_TYPE_OUT_STAMP_DUTY', into TKS_OPERATION_TYPES were added some new values.
  • #127 Bug fixed: KeyError: 'name', in Overview() method.
  • #128 Bug fixed: RUB000UTSTOM FIGI not in dump.json. Since 7 March 2023 RUB000UTSTOM FIGI excluded form currencies list.

In the next version of TKSBrokerAPI, a new section with a bond payments calendar has appeared in the user's portfolio report. It is built automatically if there is at least one bond in the portfolio (key --overview-calendar). The --html key was added to save reports in HTML format. In addition, it became possible to close a position and all orders using the --close-all key for one instrument specified via --ticker or --figi.

The trading script ./docs/examples/ has been rewritten in the OOP paradigm: ./docs/examples / Now it is a trading template based on the TKSBrokerAPI platform. It can be used as a basis for developing your own trading scenarios.

An annoying bug has been fixed when trading "on the market" (key --trade), when TP/SL orders were opened even if the main market order was not executed. Now, in case of any TP/SL errors, orders are not placed. And also, for the convenience of debugging, you can now specify the --more key along with any command. More information will appear in the logs, such as network requests, network responses and their headers.

New features
  • #62 A bond payment calendar has been added to the user's portfolio status report, which is built automatically if at least one bond is present in the portfolio (method Overview(details="calendar"), key --overview-calendar).
  • #80 Trading script example [./docs/examples/]( /master/docs/examples/ additionally rewritten in OOP paradigm: ./docs/examples/ These templates can be used as a basis for developing your own trading scenarios based on the TKSBrokerAPI platform.
  • #48 If the --close-all key is specified together with one of the keys --ticker or --figi, then all unblocked volumes of the open position, pending limit and stop orders for the selected instrument will be closed. To support this feature, additional methods were implemented: CloseAllByTicker() for closing all positions and orders for the instrument specified by the ticker, CloseAllByFIGI() for closing all positions and orders for the instrument specified by the FIGI identifier, IsInLimitOrders() is a function that returns True if opened pending limit orders are in the portfolio, GetLimitOrderIDs() is a function that returns a list of opened pending limit orders, IsInStopOrders() is a function that returns True if opened stop orders are in the portfolio, GetStopOrderIDs() is a function that returns a list of opened stop orders for the instrument.
  • #83 You can now specify the --html key to additional generate HTML-reports from Markdown. HTML rendering and key --html were implemented for reports created by --list, --info, --search, --prices, --deals, --limits, --calendar, --account, --user-info, --overview, --overview-digest, --overview-positions, --overview-orders, --overview-analytics and --overview-calendar keys. HTML generator based on Mako Templates library.
  • #67 You can now specify the --more key with any other command. It enables more debugging information in all TKSBrokerAPI methods and saves it in the logs. For example, network requests, their responses, and headers are saved.
  • #74 Improved CI/CD script .travis.yml. Now, when you run a build from a pull request, only the steps of running unit tests and building the package are performed. And the package do not upload to PyPI. Publishing to PyPI is now only triggered when building directly from a branch or after accepting a pull request.
  • #39 Now all operations of closing positions or orders (keys --close-***) support the ability to specify instruments not only through tickers, but also via FIGI identifiers.
  • #60 The --ticker and --figi keys are now case-insensitive. You can specify their values in the console in any case, and inside the TKSBrokerAPI platform they will be automatically converted to uppercase.
  • #75 If, when launched with the --limits key, it turns out that there are no cash limits available for withdrawal, then now an empty table will not be displayed.
  • #68 Added information about the stock type to the share report (ShowInstrumentInfo() method, --info key) about the type of share: Ordinary, Privileged, American Depositary Receipts (ADR), Global Depositary Receipts (GDR), Master Limited Partnership (MLP), New York registered shares, Closed investment fund and Real estate trust.
  • #35 Headers have been simplified in the "Summary" table in the deals report (key --deals).
  • #51 The NANO constant, the NanoToFloat() and FloatToNano() methods have been moved to the new TradeRoutines module. This is a library with a set of functions to simplify the implementation of trading strategies based on the TKSBrokerAPI platform.
  • #52 The GetDatesAsString() method has also been moved to the TradeRoutines module.
Bug fixes
  • #66 Fixed a bug in the Trade() method (key --trade). Now, if the main market order for an instrument has not been executed, then TP/SL orders are also not placed for this instrument. In previous versions TP/SL orders were opened even in case of errors when opening a market order to which they are linked, which violated the logic of trading scenarios.
  • #84 Fixed a bug in the Overview() method (key --overview), which appeared after solving the task #17. In the limit and stop orders section of the user's portfolio, only the first orders in the list were displayed. Now all open orders are displayed again. In addition, performance has been improved: now for orders for the same instrument, the price is requested only once, which is critical in the case of a large number of open orders.
  • #81 Fixed display of fractional numbers when requesting the order book.

1.4.90 (2022-11-07) — released


Now you can extend raw bond data with a large number of fields and values, save them in XLSX format and pandas dataframe! This is useful for data scientists and stock analysts (see the description of the --bonds-xlsx key). Using this data, you can build a complete bond payments calendar (key --calendar).

For historical candles downloaded from the server or loaded from a file, it is now possible to build interactive or simple charts (key --render-chart). If you need raw data from the server for all instruments, you can save them in XLSX format with the --list-xlsx key.

And also, now you can find out: all data on your account, including accounId (key --user-info or --account) and limits on the withdrawal of available funds (key --limits).

New features
  • #15 Implemented methods: RequestLimits() to request raw data on user withdrawal limits, OverviewLimits() to display table data, and the --limits (--withdrawal-limits, -w) key to request and print limits in the console.
  • #6 When launched with the --history key, the ability to specify an additional key --render-chart and rendering interactive or static charts using the PriceGenerator library. Similarly, you can build charts for previously saved csv-files with the candles history. To do this, you need to specify the --render-chart key with the new key for loading data from file: --load-history.
  • #46 Implemented the --list-xlsx key (or -x) that returned raw instruments data for current account similar to dump.json, but saved in XLSX format to further used by data scientists or stock analytics, dump.xlsx by default. Also, DumpInstrumentsAsXLSX() method that converts raw instruments data to XLSX format was developed.
  • #11 The --user-info (-u) key has been added, which displays data associated with the account linked to the current token: available information about the user and his accounts, rights to operations, limits for margin trading. Also added the --account (--accounts, -a) key, which displays a simple table containing only user accounts.
  • #10 When requesting information about bonds (with the --info or -i key), more data is now calculated and displayed: bond payment calendar, total number of payments and already redeemed coupons, coupons yield (average coupon daily yield * 365), current price yield (average daily yield * 365), ACI and coupon's size. To request the necessary information, the RequestBondCoupons() (returns a dictionary of processed data received from the server) and ExtendBondsData() (returns an extended pandas dataframe containing more information about bonds) methods were implemented to extend bonds data with more information. The ShowInstrumentInfo() method has been improved to display more information on bonds and the payment calendar. To receive extended information about bonds in XLSX-format now you can use --bonds-xlsx (-b) key.
  • #63 The CreateBondsCalendar() method is implemented, which generates a pandas dataframe with a general payment calendar for the specified or all bonds. The ShowBondsCalendar() method displays the calendar in the console and saves it to a file, by default in Markdown format. To request a payment calendar, you need to use the --calendar (-c) key. Also, the table in XLSX format will be saved to the default file calendar.xlsx. If the calendar is built for more than one bond, then payments in the same month are grouped.
  • #59 TKSBrokerAPI build version was added to the start of debug log, also shows by the key --version (or --ver).
  • #47 iList field is not actual because local dump.json make the similar function and auto-updates instruments list. So this field was deleted from TinkoffBrokerServer() class.
  • #9 Added information about the current trading status for the requested instrument to the method ShowInstrumentInfo(). An additional RequestTradingStatus() method has been implemented to request current trade status of instrument. Added flags: buyAvailableFlag, sellAvailableFlag, shortEnabledFlag, limitOrderAvailableFlag, marketOrderAvailableFlag and apiTradeAvailableFlag. As part of the same task, the task #37 was implemented: added the ability to save information on the instrument to a file specified by the --output key, by default info .md.
  • #64 WARNING! Refactor a lot of methods. All "show" parameters: showPrice, showPrices, printInfo, showInfo, showInstruments, showResults, showStatistics, printDeals, printCandles, showLimits, showAccounts — were replaced with simple show.
  • #65 WARNING! Refactor a lot of methods. All overview parameters were replaced with portfolio.
  • No retries for 4xx net errors, only for 5xx.
  • If you run SendAPIRequest(debug=True) then prints more debug information, e.g. request and response parameters, headers etc.
  • Added waiting between network requests, in case of reaching the limit on the number of requests. The limit is determined by the response header value "x-ratelimit-remaining": "0", and the number of seconds to wait is determined by the value of the x-ratelimit-reset header, for example, "x-ratelimit-reset": "15" , which means wait 15 seconds before the next request. This significantly reduced the number of network errors for a large number of requests to the server API.
  • Header "x-app-name": "Tim55667757.TKSBrokerAPI" was added to API requests to identify TKSBrokerAPI framework.
Bug fixes
  • Bug fix with NoneType object has no attribute ... if --history key used without any variables.
  • #71 Fast hack to avoid issues in Portfolio distribution by currencies and Portfolio distribution by countries sections: adding rub currency and "[RU] Российская Федерация" before calculate statistics.

1.3.70 (2022-09-07) — released

New features
  • #5 Added ability to download price history for an instrument with "only latest" update support, added --history key. Also, the --interval key allows you to specify the time interval for downloading price candles in the OHLCV format. The --only-missing key allows you to download only the last candles saved in the file specified via --output. The --csv-sep key sets the separator between data in csv files. Minimum requested date in the past is 1970-01-01. Warning! Broker server use ISO UTC time by default.
  • #17 Optimized price request for instruments and removed repeated price requests for the same instrument when launched with the --prices key or when calling the Overview() method. Now TKSBrokerAPI not request prices for duplicated instruments and saving working time.
  • #43 Added new keys to reduce information in the Overview() method: the --overview-positions key shows only open positions, without everything else, the --overview-digest key shows a short digest of the portfolio status, the --overview-analytics key shows only the analytics section and the distribution of the portfolio by various categories, the --overview-orders shows only section of open limits and stop orders.
  • #44 All markdown-tables are brought to the standard form, including the rendering of the right side of the tables.
Bug fixes
  • #18 Error handling added raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None. Now the message is showing: Check you Internet connection! Failed to establish a new connection to broker server! and the path to the debug log file.
  • #16 Fixed display of fractional numbers with the first zero after the decimal point, e.g. 1. was displayed instead of 1.0.
  • #38 fixed broken table when ETF requested.

1.2.62 (2022-08-23) — released

New features
  • #13 To reduce the number of requests to the server, the ability to cache raw data on exchange instruments has been added. The cache is used by default when the TinkoffBrokerServer class is initialized, but this action can be canceled using the useCache=False class variable or using the --no-cache key in the console. The DumpInstruments() method has been added, with which you can create a data dump from the server. The iListDumpFile variable has also been added to the TinkoffBrokerServer class (the path to the cache, dump.json by default). The cache is automatically refreshed if there is a different day than the day the dump.json file was last modified. Note: all dates are used in UTC format.
  • #7 Added the ability to search for an instrument by part of the name, ticker or FIGI with--search key (or -s). A method for searching SearchInstruments() has been implemented, to which a search pattern can be passed as input: part of a word or a string with a regular expression. As a result, the method returns a dictionary of dictionaries, similar to variable iList, but containing only found instruments (examples).
  • New method IsInPortfolio() was added. It checks if instrument is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by self.ticker (highly priority) or self.figi. Method returns True if portfolio contains open position with given instrument, False otherwise.
  • New method GetInstrumentFromPortfolio() was added. It returns instrument's data if it is in the user's portfolio. Instrument must be defined by self.ticker (highly priority) or self.figi.
  • #12 In the general information about the state of the portfolio (key --overview or -o), the section "Portfolio distribution by countries" has been added (example).
  • #8 Added the --no-cancelled key and the showCancelled variable in the Deals() method to control shows canceled operations when using the --deals (or -d) key. Changed default report filename from to
  • #42 Example with abstract trade scenario was added.
  • To the stat section of the Overview() result was added funds field. This is dict with free funds for trading (total - blocked), by all currencies, e.g. {"rub": {"total": 10000.99, "totalCostRUB": 10000.99, "free": 1234.56, "freeCostRUB": 1234.56}, "usd": {"total": 250.55, "totalCostRUB": 15375.80, "free": 125.05, "freeCostRUB": 7687.50}}.
Bug fixes
  • Bug fix with bond type (failed with iJSON["type"] == "Bond", correct: iJSON["type"] == "Bonds").
  • Bug fixed: TypeError: JSONDecoder.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'encoding'. Bug occurred because changed in Python version 3.9: The keyword argument encoding has been removed. See:
  • Bug fix with incorrect Overview()["stat"]["funds"]["rub"] calculation in rubles.

1.1.48 (2022-07-28) — released

New features
  • License changed from MIT to Apache-2.0.
  • Important! The functionality of most of the methods included in TKSBrokerAPI v1.0 has been restored, except for opening a grid of orders and downloading historical data (to be added in future releases). Now all methods work with the new Open API:
  • Important! The TKSBrokerAPI module has been made as open-source project, further development continues there:
  • Important! The Tinkoff Invest API version supported by the TKSBrokerAPI library is now v2 and not backwards compatible.
  • Important! All internal time variables were converted to ISO UTC format with Z (Zulu time) at the end of the string. Example: 1961-04-12T06:07:00.123456Z. Local time is no longer used. This is to avoid confusion with the Tinkoff Invest API time, which uses UTC Z-notation.
  • #1 Added main documentation sections and examples of working with CLI to and API-documentation of TKSBrokerAPI.
  • #2 Added pdoc documentation automatic build step PDocBuilder for TKSBrokerAPI module methods.
  • #3 The basic CI-process for the release cycle has been implemented: the step of unit tests and launching the package build. CD-process for the release cycle has been implemented: dev builds for feature branches, release builds from release branches or master branch, which are then published to PyPI. Example of build success: tksbrokerapi-1.2.dev39 and PyPI packet.
  • #4 Added simple unit tests and stubs for some methods.
  • Added an analytics section to the Overview() method. The distribution of instruments by asset classes, companies, sectors and currencies is shown.
  • Shown extended information on the instrument for the --info key, depending on the type of instrument (currency, stock, bond, fund or futures).
  • Added keys --close-order, --close-orders, --close-trade and --close-trades. With their help, you can cancel one or more orders by ID or close deals on instruments, knowing their tickers.
  • Implemented methods for closing orders and positions: ClosePositions(), CloseAllPositions(), CloseOrders(), CloseAllOrders() and CloseAll().
  • Implemented methods for opening limit and stop orders: Order(), BuyLimit(), BuyStop(), SellLimit() and SellStop().
  • Implemented methods for opening and closing positions for instruments: Trade(), CloseTrades(), CloseAllTrades(), Buy(), Sell() and fixed the CloseAll() method.
  • Important! By optimizing the algorithms, refactoring the code and using the multiprocessing module, we managed to speed up the download of instruments during their initial listing by 40-60%.
  • Important! Enabled logging with rotation from 5Mb to the default file TKSBrokerAPI.log. Optimized logging module. Reduced the number of unnecessary notifications. By default, debug logs are printed only to the log file, and info logs are output to the console. You can change the logging level with the keys: --debug-level, --verbosity or -v.
  • All enumerated data types and constants moved to file.
  • Added aliases for USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, CNY, HKD, TRY — now they can be used instead of tickers.
  • The client's portfolio, information about instrument, the list of available instruments for trading and the history of client operations are now displayed in markdown format.
  • For the TinkoffBrokerServer() class, it is now possible to set the token parameter when initializing the class, and when setting the TKS_API_TOKEN environment variable. If the token parameter is given when the class is initialized, then it takes highest priority.
  • For the TinkoffBrokerServer() class, it is now possible to set the accountId parameter when initializing the class, and when setting the TKS_ACCOUNT_ID environment variable. If the accountId parameter is given when the class is initialized, then it takes highest priority. You can find out your account number in any brokerage report, the contract number will be indicated there, it is also your accountId.
  • All methods related to viewing data in the console have been updated after the transition of the Tinkoff Invest API broker to version v2.
  • The Overview() method now shows more information on pending and stop orders.
  • The SendAPIRequest() method now shows more information in the logs for all 4xx and 5xx errors.
  • Moved from the Overview() method to separate methods RequestPortfolio(), RequestPositions(), RequestPendingOrders and RequestStopOrders() — operations on requesting a portfolio, open positions and user orders.
  • Using the CloseOrders() method, it is now possible to close both exchange pending and stop orders. It is enough to specify an ID or a list of IDs.
  • Added display of the difference in % between the previous and current closing price of the instrument in all tables where it is required.
  • #22 --open-trade and --open-order keys are replaced with --trade and --order keys, because it had long names. OpenOrder() and OpenTrade() methods are replaced with Order() and Trade() methods.
  • Static method GetDatesAsString() moved outside from class TinkoffBrokerServer().
  • Variable instrumentsList renamed as iList.
  • The MDInfo() method has been renamed to ShowInstrumentInfo() (similar to exist ShowInstrumentsInfo()).
Bug fixes
  • Important! Refactored and fixed a lot of errors in methods related to the transition of Tinkoff Invest API to version v2 and changing data types.
  • Fixed counter in the log in the line "Pairs (tickers, timeframes) count: [XXX]"
  • Fixed a bug in the Deals() method: in the case when the end date is not specified, the current date is now taken.
  • Fixed a bug with displaying the history of operations if there were dividend payments for the specified period.
  • Fixed a bug when the server returned an empty fee.
  • #26 Fixed a bug with incorrect result for FloatToNano(number=0.05).
  • #34 Fixed a bug with KeyError: 'asks' when no response from server with current prices.
  • #32 Fixed a bug with some problems when trying to execute --close-all orders. Extra messages, and with them the formatting error, have been removed.

1.0.1 (2020-05 - 2022-07) — DEPRECATED version, not working with new Tinkoff Open API REST protocol


First prototype TKSBrokerAPI - python API over REST protocol for Tinkoff Invest API - included the main features for working with the exchange:

  • get prices in the order book (DOM - Depth of Market) for the selected instrument;
  • get a list of instruments, their names, tickers and FIGI;
  • view the current state of the portfolio and its value;
  • receive full brokerage information on the instrument, knowing its ticker or FIGI;
  • get a table of current prices for the list of instruments;
  • receive information on historical prices of instruments available through Tinkoff Broker and save them to csv-files;
  • load historical price data from csv-files and display them on an interactive chart or in the console;
  • open and close limit orders;
  • create market orders (market orders executed at current prices in order book);
  • open a grid of limit orders with a certain step;
  • close all orders and positions at once or only a certain type: stocks, bonds, funds;
  • create a report on operations for the specified period.

Then, from about the middle to the end of 2021, Tinkoff developers actively changed their REST protocol. The TKSBrokerAPI module has become broken. But during the spring-summer of 2022, we managed to restore and even expand most of its functions, rewrite the code to work with the new Tinkoff Open API REST protocol, put the library into open source, and set up the release cycle.
