Get My IP shows IP address and geolocation information for your computer.
Self-contained versions are available if .NET 8 isn't installed. See the releases page.
Languages are being added as of version 0.9.0. Please see Contribute a Translation topic in the Wiki if you would like to contribute a translation.
- Shows internal and external IP addresses.
- Shows geolocation data for the external IP address.
- Choose from multiple geolocation data providers.
- Shows all internal IP addresses if there are more than one.
- Optionally write external IP information to a log file.
- Opens the default browser showing a map with the latitude and longitude found in the geolocation information.
- Choose between Google Maps, Bing Maps, Open Street Maps, or to display map.
- Optionally shows IPv6 addresses for internal addresses.
- Copy data to the clipboard in tab delimited format. Perfect for pasting into Excel.
- Save data to a tab delimited text file.
- Select light, dark, or darker theme, accent color, and font.
- Minimize to tray.
- Customize the details shown in the tray icon tooltip.
- Optional automatic refresh and notification when external IP address changes.
- ⭐ New in version 0.14.0: You can now choose to have the tray icon be a flag that corresponds to the country of the IP address.
You can download the latest release from the releases page. Note that a "portable" releases are provided as well as the traditional installers.
Some data has been obscured or faked for privacy