This project will use the FSMSystem framework, representing each subsystem as a finite state machine.
FSM diagrams for each subsystem are located in the doc folder.
Javadoc for this repo is available at
We will base our code style off the Sun Java style guide.
- Indentation: tabs
- Braces: endline
- Wrap lines at 80 characters
Some additional naming guidance:
- Variable names: camelCase
- Booleans should start with "is" or "has" (ex. hasMotor, isPositive)
Everyone should read and follow the rules in "How to write a Git Commit Message."
Local branches are personal development branches for work in progress code.
- Naming convention:
- Naming convention:
Main branch will be where all subsystems come together.
- Main branch merges require formal pull requests (peer & mentor reviewed) and must pass build and style checks. These changes should already have been tested on a test branch.
- Main branch will serve as the weekly baseline for new development.
- Main branch is expected to be configured to run on the competition robot.