1.mobile demo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frStPQSN2lY
2.linebot demo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMMYxFdER4M
3.raspberry pi3 touch panel demo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIEXDQloP2w
4.LINE Bot展示
npm v5.6+
node v8+
Python v3.7.0+
mongoDB v3.6+
mosquitto service restart CLI : sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
1. 自製電源及環境監測裝置(安裝教學)
MQTT Topic | Description | Message |
current | 溫度、濕度、電流 | { "Humidity":26, "Temperature":36, "currents":12 } |
MQTT Topic | Description | Message |
ET7044/DOstatus | ET7044 D0~D7 status | [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false] |
ET7044/write | Control D0~D7 status | [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false] |
MQTT Topic | Description | Message |
DL303/CO2 | CO2測量 | 0 to 9999 ppm (NDIR) |
DL303/RH | 相對溼度測量 | 0 to 100% RH |
DL303/TC | 溫度測量 | -10 to +50°C |
DL303/DC | 露點溫度 | 由溫度與相對溼度計算而得 |
MQTT Topic | Description | Message |
PM3133/A | 比流器1 | 10 (A) |
PM3133/B | 比流器2 | 10 (A) |
PM3133/C | 比流器3 | 10 (A) |
5.UPS 監控程式(範例程式)
MQTT Topic | Description | Message |
UPS_Monitor | UPS監測 | example |
6.web service & socket.io service(範例程式)
(1)web service
Method | API | Description |
GET | / | web dashboard |
POST | /ET7044 | ET7044 control |
current data structure:https://github.com/TitanLi/smart-data-center/blob/master/doc/MQTT/current.json
UPS_Monitor data structure:https://github.com/TitanLi/smart-data-center/blob/master/doc/MQTT/UPS_Monitor.json
ET7044/DOstatus data structure:https://github.com/TitanLi/smart-data-center/blob/master/doc/MQTT/ET7044-DOstatus.js
Event | Source | JSON KEY |
humidity | MQTT topic DL303/RH | String Data |
temperature | MQTT topic DL303/TC | String Data |
current | MQTT topic current | currents |
inputVolt_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | input_A.inputVolt_A |
inputFreq_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | input_A.inputFreq_A |
outputVolt_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_A.outputVolt_A |
outputFreq_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_A.outputFreq_A |
outputAmp_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_A.outputAmp_A |
outputWatt_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_A.outputWatt_A |
systemMode_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_A.systemMode_A |
outputPercent_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_A.outputPercent_A |
batteryHealth_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_A.status.batteryHealth_A |
batteryCharge_Mode_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_A.status.batteryCharge_Mode_A |
batteryTemp_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_A.status.batteryTemp_A |
batteryRemain_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_A.status.batteryRemain_Min_A battery_A.status.batteryRemain_Sec_A |
batteryRemain_Percent_A | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_A.status.batteryRemain_Percent_A |
inputVolt_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | input_B.inputVolt_B |
inputFreq_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | input_B.inputFreq_B |
outputVolt_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_B.outputVolt_B |
outputFreq_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_B.outputFreq_B |
outputAmp_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_B.outputAmp_B |
outputWatt_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_B.outputWatt_B |
systemMode_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_B.systemMode_B |
outputPercent_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | output_B.outputPercent_B |
batteryHealth_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_B.status.batteryHealth_B |
batteryCharge_Mode_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_B.status.batteryCharge_Mode_B |
batteryTemp_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_B.status.batteryTemp_B |
batteryRemain_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_B.status.batteryRemain_Min_B battery_B.status.batteryRemain_Sec_B |
batteryRemain_Percent_B | MQTT topic UPS_Monitor | battery_B.status.batteryRemain_Percent_B |
D0 | MQTT topic ET7044/DOstatus | Array[0] |
D1 | MQTT topic ET7044/DOstatus | Array[1] |
D2 | MQTT topic ET7044/DOstatus | Array[2] |
(1)Localhost MongoDB Database
Database name smart-data-center
Database | Collection | Description | Data example |
smart-data-center | powerMeter | power-meter logs | example |
smart-data-center | powerMeterPower | power-meter watt logs | example |
smart-data-center | ups | delta ups logs | example |
smart-data-center | upsPower_A | delta ups watt logs | example |
smart-data-center | upsPower_B | delta ups watt logs | example |
(2)Public Cloud MongoDB Database(mLab)
mLab for linebot use
Database name smart-data-center
Database | Collection | Description | Data example |
smart-data-center | powerMeter | Latest power-meter information | example |
smart-data-center | ups_A | Latest delta ups(A) information | example |
smart-data-center | ups_B | Latest delta ups(B) information | example |
smart-data-center | control | Latest ET7044 control information | example |
7.linebot service on HEROKU(範例程式)
Service for linebot use
Method | API | Description | Body Example |
GET | / | test heroku service | |
GET | /test | test connect mLab | |
POST | /webhooks | for linebot use | |
POST | /post/push | notify power consumption | { powerMeterPower: 123, upsPower_A: 456, upsPower_B: 789 } |
POST | /post/control/message | ET7044 control | { message: "進風風扇:開啟" } |
POST | /message | icinga2 alert notification | { message: "需要維修" } |
(1)Git clone project
$ git clone https://github.com/TitanLi/smart-data-center.git
(2) Switch directory
$ cd smart-data-center
(3)Install modules
$ npm install
(4)Install pm2 project management tool
$ npm install pm2 -g
(5)Edit build.json 留下需要的服務
"apps": [
"name": "smart-data-center",
"script": "./app.js"
"name": "smart-data-center-mongodb",
"script": "./mongoDB.js"
"name": "smart-data-center-icinga2",
"script": "./icinga2/icinga2.js"
"name": "smart-data-center-ET7044",
"script": "./ET7044/ET7044_finish.js"
(6)建立 .env 檔案
cp .env-sample .env
PORT = 3006
MQTT = 'mqtt://'
MONGO_URL = 'mongodb://USER-NAME:PASSWORD@PROJECT-ID.mlab.com:37922/smart-data-center'
MONGODB = 'mongodb://'
(8)run service
$ npm start