This project is a golang-driver for ArangoDB writen in go.
There is also an embedded-in-memory-Database to run all your tests.
Currently implemented:
- version
- users: create, drop
- databases: connect, list, create, drop
- collections: create, drop, truncate, update
- documents: create, getById
- graphs: create, drop, list
- migrations
- AQL: simple cursor
If you miss something, please contact me!
All you need is a running Arango-DB and a go-environment.
Install aranGoDriver:
go get
Write your first aranGoDriver-Programm:
func main() {
var session aranGoDriver.Session
// Initialize a arango-Session with the address to your arangoDB.
// If you write a test use:
// session = aranGoDriver.NewTestSession()
session = aranGoDriver.NewAranGoDriverSession("http://localhost:8529")
// Connect to your arango-database:
session.Connect("usnername", "secretPassword")
// Concrats, you are connected!
// Let's print out all your databases
list, err := session.ListDBs()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("there was a problem: ", err)
// Create a new database
err = session.CreateDB("myNewDatabase")
// TODO: handle err
// Create a new collection
err = session.CreateCollection("myNewDatabase", "myNewCollection")
// TODO: handle err
// Create Document
newDocument := make(map[string]interface{})
newDocument["foo"] = "bar"
arangoID, err = session.CreateDocument("myNewDatabase", "myNewCollection", newDocument)
go test
go test -dbhost http://localhost:8529 -dbusername root -dbpassword password123
You need a new Session to your database with the hostname as parameter. Then connect with an existing username and a password.
session := aranGoDriver.NewAranGoDriverSession("http://localhost:8529")
session.Connect("username", "password")
version, err := session.Version()
To use this methods you need a session as root user.
// create a new user
err := session.CreateUser("username", "password")
// delete an existing user
err := session.DropUser("username")
// grant permissions for a database
err := session.GrantDB("database", "username", "rw")
// Instead of "rw" you can also use "ro" or "none"
// grant permissions for collections
err := session.GrantCollection("database", "collection", "username", "rw")
// Instead of "rw" you can also use "ro" or "none"
// and instead of a collection name, you can use "*" for all collections
// list databases
list := session.ListDBs()
fmt.Println(list) // will print ([]string): [ _system test testDB]
// create databases
err := session.CreateDB("myNewDatabase")
// drop databases
err = session.DropDB("myNewDatabase")
// create a collection in a database
err = CreateCollection("myNewDatabase", "myNewCollection")
// drop collection from database
err = DropCollection("myNewDatabase", "myNewCollection")
// truncate database
err = TruncateCollection("myNewDatabase", "myNewCollection")
// create a collection in a database
err = CreateEdgeCollection("myNewDatabase", "myNewEdgeCollection")
// create document
testDoc["foo"] = "bar"
arangoID, err := session.CreateDocument("myNewDatabase", "myNewCollection", testDoc)
// get by id
resultAsMap, err := session.GetCollectionByID("myNewDatabase", idOfDocument)
// update Document
testDoc["bar"] = "foo"
err = session.UpdateDocument("myNewDatabase", arangoID.ID, testDoc)
arangoID, err := session.CreateDocument("myNewDatabase", "myNewCollection", testDoc)
To create a graph, you need to define the edges and nodes for the graph.
This can be done with the EdgeDefinition
edgeDefinition := models.EdgeDefinition{
Collection: "myEdgeCollection",
From: []string{"myCollection1"},
To: []string{"myCollection2"}}
edgeDefinitions := []models.EdgeDefinition{edgeDefinition}
err := session.CreateGraph("myDatabase", "myGraph", edgeDefinitions)
If you want to get rid of an existing graph, you can use the DropGraph
err := session.DropGraph("myDatabase", "myGraph")
For an overview of your existing graphs, you can use ListGraphs
str, b, err := session.ListGraphs("myDatabase")
In some cases you need 'migrations'. For example, you need default-user in your database in every environment.
For this case, you can use migrations. The aranGoDriver write his own memo in a migrations
-Collection in the standard -system
-Database of arango, and execute the migration only one time.
AranGoDriver will identificate the migration by name.
Take a look to the following example:
// check migrations
mig1 := aranGoDriver.Migration{
Name: "mig1", // name of migration to identificate
Handle: func(embeddedSession aranGoDriver.Session) {
testMap := make(map[string]interface{})
testMap["foo"] = "foo"
// you can do everything with the database
embeddedSession.CreateDocument("myDatabase", "myCollection", testMap)
// excute migration
// Run This line before you 'main-loop' of your program
// create query
query := "FOR element in testColl FILTER == 'bar' RETURN element"
response, err := session.AqlQuery("myNewDatabase", query, true, 1)