liboqs is a C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms.
The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project has the goal of developing and prototyping quantum-resistant cryptography.
liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. liboqs initially focuses on key exchange algorithms. liboqs provides a common API suitable for post-quantum key exchange algorithms, and will collect together various implementations. liboqs will also include a test harness and benchmarking routines to compare performance of post-quantum implementations.
OQS will also include integrations into application-level protocols to provide easy prototyping of quantum-resistant cryptography. Our first integration is in OpenSSL:
- open-quantum-safe/openssl is an integration of liboqs into OpenSSL 1.0.2. The goal of this integration is to provide easy prototyping of quantum-resistant cryptography. The integration should not be considered "production quality". See more about this integration in its GitHub repository open-quantum-safe/openssl/.
More information on OQS can be found on our website:
liboqs currently contains:
: key exchange from the ring learning with errors problem (Bos, Costello, Naehrig, Stebila, IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2015,
: "NewHope": key exchange from the ring learning with errors problem (Alkim, Ducas, Pöppelmann, Schwabe, USENIX Security 2016, (using the reference C implementation of NewHope from
: Microsoft Research implementation of Peikert's ring-LWE key exchange (Longa, Naehrig, CANS 2016, (based on the implementation of Alkim, Ducas, Pöppelmann, and Schwabe, with improvements from Longa and Naehrig, see
: "Frodo": key exchange from the learning with errors problem (Bos, Costello, Ducas, Mironov, Naehrig, Nikolaenko, Raghunathan, Stebila, ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2016,
: key exchange from the supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman problem (Costello, Naehrig, Longa, CRYPTO 2016,, using the implementation of Microsoft Research
: key exchange from the supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman problem (De Feo, Jao, Plût, J. Math. Cryptol. 8(3):209, 2014,, using a reference implementation by Javad Doliskanikex_code_mcbits
: "McBits": key exchange from the error correcting codes, specifically Niederreiter's form of McEliece public key encryption using hidden Goppa codes (Bernstein, Chou, Schwabe, CHES 2013,, using the implementation of McBits from
: NTRU: key transport using NTRU public key encryption (Hoffstein, Pipher, Silverman, ANTS 1998) with the EES743EP1 parameter set, wrapper around the implementation from the NTRU Open Source project
: signature based on zero-knowledge proof as specified in Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge and Signatures from Symmetric-Key Primitives (Melissa Chase and David Derler and Steven Goldfeder and Claudio Orlandi and Sebastian Ramacher and Christian Rechberger and Daniel Slamanig and Greg Zaverucha,, using the optimized implemenation from
Detailed information about each algorithm and implementations can be found in the docs/Algorithm data sheets directory.
Builds have been tested on Mac OS X 10.10.5 (gcc/clang), Mac OS X 10.11.6 (clang), macOS 10.12.5 (clang), Ubuntu 16.04.1 (gcc).
You need to install autoconf, automake, and libtool:
brew install autoconf automake libtool
You need to install autoconf, automake, and libtool:
sudo apt install autoconf automake libtool
To build, first clone or download the source from GitHub, then simply type:
autoreconf -i
make clean
This will generate:
: A static library with implementations for the algorithms listed in "Contents" above.test_rand
: A simple test harness for the random number generator. This will test the distance of PRNG output from uniform using statistical distance.test_aes
: A simple test harness for AES. This will test the correctness of the C implementation (and of the AES-NI implementation, if not disabled) of AES, and will compare the speed of these implementations against OpenSSL's AES implementation.test_sha3
: A simple test harness for SHA-3. This will test the correctness of the C implementation of SHA-3.test_kex
: A simple test harness for the default key exchange algorithm. This will output key exchange messages; indicate whether the parties agree on the session key or not over a large number of trials; and measure the distance of the sessions keys from uniform using statistical distance.test_sig
: A simple test harness for the signature algorithms.minimal_kex_oqs
: A minimal runnable example showing the usage of KEX API.minimal_sig_oqs
: A minimal runnable example showing the usage of SIG API.
To run the tests, simply type:
make test
To run benchmarks, run
./test_kex --bench
./test_sig --bench
To run benchmark only on some ciphers, run
./test_kex --help
to list the available ciphers and then run e.g.
./test_kex --bench rlwe_bcns15 rlwe_newhope
To run one or more ciphers only once use --mem-bench
, which is suitable for memory usage profiling:
./test_kex --mem-bench ntru
You may also get instant memory usage results of an algorithm (e.g. ntru) by running valgrind's massif tool by running
./ ntru
OpenSSL can be used for some symmetric crypto algorithms, which may result in better performance.
To build with OpenSSL enabled:
./configure --enable-openssl
make clean
You may need to specify the path to your OpenSSL directory:
./configure --enable-openssl --with-openssl-dir=/path/to/openssl/directory
make clean
The kex_sidh_iqc_ref
key exchange method is not enabled by default since it requires an external library (libgmp).
To install the library on macOS:
brew install gmp
To build with kex_sidh_iqc_ref
./configure --enable-kex-sidh-iqc-ref
make clean
You may need to specify the path to your libgmp directory:
./configure --enable-kex-sidh-iqc-ref --with-gmp-dir=/path/to/gmp/directory
make clean
The kex_code_mcbits
key exchange method is not enabled by default since it requires an external library (libsodium).
To install the library on macOS:
brew install libsodium
To install the library on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libsodium-dev
To build with kex_code_mcbits
./configure --enable-kex-code-mcbits
make clean
./configure --disable-kex-ntru --disable-kex-lwe-frodo --disable-kex-rlwe-msrln16 --disable-kex-rlwe-newhope --disable-kex-sidh-msr make clean make
Flags for all the configured algorithms are generated in config.h file.
Windows binaries can be generated using the Visual Studio solution in the VisualStudio folder. Builds have been tested on Windows 10.
The supported schemes are defined in the projects' winconfig.h file.
McBits is disabled by default in the Visual Studio build; follow these steps to enable it:
- Obtain the libsodium library; compile the static library from the Visual Studio projects.
- Add
to the preprocessor definitions of theoqs
projects. - Add the sodium "src/include" location to the "Additional Include Directories" in the oqs project C properties.
- Add the libsodium library to the "Additional Dependencies" in the
project Linker properties.
Install Android NDK
Create a standalone toolchain for the platform that you wish to cross compile for (e.g. NDK_BUNDLE="~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle" ARCH=arm64 INSTALL_DIR="/tmp/ndk-toolchain"):
$NDK_BUNDLE/build/tools/ --arch $ARCH --install-dir $INSTALL_DIR
Configure and build for Android after running autoreconf -i
(e.g. HOST=aarch64-linux-android TOOLCHAIN_DIR=$INSTALL_DIR):
./configure-android --host=$HOST --toolchain=$TOOLCHAIN_DIR
Run it from your Android device:
adb push test_kex /data/local/tmp/
adb shell "/data/local/tmp/test_kex"
Tested on SM-930F
The directory docs/Algorithm data sheets
contains information about some of the algorithms supported by liboqs.
Some source files contain inline Doxygen-formatted comments which can be used to generate additional documentation.
On macOS, you may need to install several dependencies first:
brew install doxygen graphviz
The documentation can be generated by running:
make docs
This will generate the docs/doxygen/html
directory. Check ./configure --help
for generating other formats.
We hope OQS will provide a framework for many post-quantum implementations.
If you have or are writing an implementation of a post-quantum key exchange algorithm, we hope you will consider making an implementation that meets our API so that others may use it and would be happy to discuss including it directly in liboqs. Please take a look at our coding conventions and our instructions for integrating external implementations into liboqs.
If you would like to use liboqs in an application-level protocol, please get in touch and we can provide some guidance on options for using liboqs.
We are also interested in assistance from code reviewers.
Please contact Douglas Stebila <>.
liboqs is licensed under the MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details. liboqs includes some third party libraries or modules that are licensed differently; the corresponding subfolder contains the license that applies in that case. In particular:
: public domainsrc/crypto/rand_urandom_chacha20/external
: public domainsrc/crypto/sha3
: public domainsrc/kex_code_mcbits
: public domainsrc/kex_rlwe_bcns15
: public domain (Unlicense)src/kex_rlwe_msrln16
: MIT Licensesrc/kex_rlwe_msrln16/external
: public domain (CC0)src/kex_rlwe_newhope
: public domainsrc/kex_sidh_msr
: MIT Licensesrc/kex_sidh_iqc_ref
: MIT Licensesrc/sig_picnic
: MIT License
The Open Quantum Safe project is lead by Michele Mosca (University of Waterloo) and Douglas Stebila (McMaster University).
- Javad Doliskani (University of Waterloo)
- Vlad Gheorghiu (evolutionQ / University of Waterloo)
- Tancrède Lepoint (SRI International)
- Shravan Mishra (University of Waterloo)
- Christian Paquin (Microsoft Research)
- Alex Parent (University of Waterloo)
- John Underhill
- Sebastian Verschoor (University of Waterloo)
Development of Open Quantum Safe has been supported in part by the Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing. Research projects which developed specific components of Open Quantum Safe have been supported by various research grants; see the source papers for funding acknowledgments.