- Node.js v20 or higher
This package is available in the Node Package Repository and can be easily installed with npm or yarn.
$ npm i @topcli/prompts
# or
$ yarn add @topcli/prompts
You can locally run node ./demo.js
import { question, confirm, select, multiselect } from "@topcli/prompts";
const kTestRunner = ["node", "tap", "tape", "vitest", "mocha", "ava"];
const name = await question("Project name ?", { defaultValue: "foo" });
const runner = await select("Choose a test runner", { choices: kTestRunner, maxVisible: 5 });
const isCLI = await confirm("Your project is a CLI ?", { initial: true });
const os = await multiselect("Choose OS", {
choices: ["linux", "mac", "windows"],
preSelectedChoices: ["linux"]
console.log(name, runner, isCLI, os);
question(message: string, options?: PromptOptions): Promise<string>
Simple prompt, similar to rl.question()
with an improved UI.
Use options.defaultValue
to set a default value.
Use options.secure
if you need to hide both input and answer.
Use options.signal
to set an AbortSignal
(throws a AbortError).
Use options.validators
to handle user input.
Use options.skip
to skip prompt. It will return options.defaultValue
if given, ""
const packageName = await question('Package name', {
validators: [
validate: (value) => {
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(process.cwd(), value))) {
return `Folder ${value} already exists`;
This package provide some validators for common usage
- required
import { prompt, required } from "@topcli/prompts";
const name = await prompt("What's your name ?", {
validators: [required()]
select(message: string, options: SelectOptions): Promise<string>
Scrollable select depending maxVisible
(default 8
Use options.ignoreValues
to skip result render & clear lines after a selected one.
Use options.validators
to handle user input.
Use options.autocomplete
to allow filtered choices. This can be useful for a large list of choices.
Use options.caseSensitive
to make autocomplete filters case sensitive. Default false
Use options.signal
to set an AbortSignal
(throws a AbortError).
Use options.skip
to skip prompt. It will return the first choice.
multiselect(message: string, options: MultiselectOptions): Promise<[string]>
Scrollable multiselect depending options.maxVisible
(default 8
Use options.preSelectedChoices
to pre-select choices.
Use options.validators
to handle user input.
Use options.showHint: false
to disable hint (this option is truthy by default).
Use options.autocomplete
to allow filtered choices. This can be useful for a large list of choices.
Use options.caseSensitive
to make autocomplete filters case sensitive. Default false
Use options.signal
to set an AbortSignal
(throws a AbortError).
Use options.skip
to skip prompt. It will return options.preSelectedChoices
if given, []
confirm(message: string, options?: ConfirmOptions): Promise<boolean>
Boolean prompt, default to options.initial
You can answer pressing Y or N
Use options.signal
to set an AbortSignal
(throws a AbortError).
Use options.skip
to skip prompt. It will return options.initial
by default)
The PromptAgent
class allows to programmatically set the next answers for any prompt function, this can be useful for testing.
const agent = PromptAgent.agent();
const input = await question("What's your name?");
assert.equal(input, "John");
Answers set with PromptAgent
will bypass any logical & validation rules.
- When using
functions will not be executed. - When using
, the answer can be different from the available choices. - When using
, the answer can be any type other than boolean. - etc
Use with caution
export class AbortError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
this.name = "AbortError";
type Stdin = NodeJS.ReadStream & {
fd: 0;
type Stdout = NodeJS.WriteStream & {
fd: 1;
export interface AbstractPromptOptions {
stdin?: Stdin;
stdout?: Stdout;
message: string;
sginal?: AbortSignal;
export interface PromptValidator<T = string | string[] | boolean> {
validate: (input: T) => boolean;
error: (input: T) => string;
export interface QuestionOptions extends SharedOptions {
defaultValue?: string;
validators?: Validator[];
secure?: boolean;
export interface Choice {
value: any;
label: string;
description?: string;
export interface SelectOptions extends SharedOptions {
choices: (Choice | string)[];
maxVisible?: number;
ignoreValues?: (string | number | boolean)[];
validators?: Validator[];
autocomplete?: boolean;
caseSensitive?: boolean;
export interface MultiselectOptions extends SharedOptions {
choices: (Choice | string)[];
maxVisible?: number;
preSelectedChoices?: (Choice | string)[];
validators?: Validator[];
autocomplete?: boolean;
caseSensitive?: boolean;
showHint?: boolean;
export interface ConfirmOptions extends SharedOptions {
initial?: boolean;
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Open an issue if you want to provide feedback such as bug reports or enchancements.
PierreDemailly π» |
Gentilhomme π π» π |
Tony Gorez π |
Yefis π» π |
Ben π π§ |
Takeshi Kondo π§ |
FredGuiou π» |
Marcus Reinhardt π» |