This is a helper script to create Arch Linux ISO's that support Offline installations. It requires root privileges due to archiso itself.
sudo python -m archoffline
--template=<archiso template name>
Defines which archiso template to adapt into a offline version.
The default is: releng
Uses the current HTTP/HTTPS enabled mirrors from this region.
Optional magical keywords instead of a region are:
* copy - copies the /etc/pacman.conf setup to the build env
* https://... - Will hard-code a specific repo server
* file:// - Will use a locally stored mirror as the build env repo
--packages="<list of packages>"
A space separated list of packages to ship with the iso
aside from the default packages in archiso packages.x86_64
Skips validation of packages and AUR packages. Improves build speed.
Cleans and re-creates the builddir and other dependencies
Creates a breakpoint right before mkarchiso is executed.
This way you can do manual changes to the ISO layout before
mkarchiso is executed.
--repo=<repo name>
You can override the repository name created inside the ISO.
The default is: localrepo
--builddir=<path to folder>
You can override the build directory for the ISO.
The default is: ./archiso_offline/
Enables printout for all the syscalls that are being made.
(For instance output from mkarchiso)
Clones in archinstall to /root/archinstall-git with the given --ai-branch and
(This is optional, archinstall stable is shipped as a package already)
--ai-branch=<archinstall branch to clone>
This can override the default `master` branch.
--aur-packages="<list of AUR packages>"
A space separated list of AUR packages that will be built and
shipped within the ISO mirror as a standard package.
Set a build-user username, if this user does not exist it will be
created. If the user does not have an entry in /etc/sudoers an entry
will be created with NOPASSWD only if the user is locked on the local system.
(the AUR user will be deleted as well as the /etc/sudoers entry unless pre-configured)
--resources="list of assets/resource URL's"
A semi-colon (;) separated list of resources to package into the ISO.
The resources will be stored in /root/resources. Acceptable URL's examples:
https://.git (note: trailing .git important to trigger git clone)
--customize=<path to script>
Add a script that will be run from within Archiso and executed before
the ISO is finalized.
--autorun="<commands to autorun on every boot>"
This injects a .zprofile auto-run string, be mindful of quotation issues:
Injects: [[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && sh -c "{string}"
Saves the offline repository cache (packages) in the ISO between rebuilds.
It's done by moving out the `--repo` folder/cache out and in the --builddir.
Does not prompt for anything, will skip by default or error out if key parameters
were not found during execution.
sudo python -m archoffline --mirrors=Sweden --packages="nano wget" --rebuild