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SRI Testing

License: MIT

This repository contains a compendium of semantics-driven tests for assessing Translator Knowledge Providers (KPs) and Autonomous Relay Agents (ARAs) within the Biomedical Data Translator. The application may be run directly from a terminal, accessed programmatically via a web services API or previously run test results viewed via a web dashboard (see below).

The NCATS Biomedical Data Translator TRAPI Resource Validator Web Dashboard presents results of validation of various knowledge graph semantic unit tests run with TRAPI queries autogenerated from test edge data curated by Knowledge Provider (KP) owners and test configurations curated by Autonomous Relay Agent (ARA) owners. Validation of the TRAPI request and response contents relating to queries against these KP and ARA components are validated against specified TRAPI and Biolink Model versions.

Further details about the application is available in the project's GitPages repository and also Translator Developer Documentation.

Additional Resources

Test File Curator Documentation

The SRI Testing harness uses KP test edge data and ARA test configurations provided by KP and ARA component owners, respectively, who we designate here as "Test File Curators". The current guidelines for test / configuration file composition - relating to the current generation of "One Hop" unit tests - is provided on the main SRI Testing harness web site here.

Getting Started

The tests are run using Python 3.9 or better.

As of release 2.0.0, the SRI Testing project uses the poetry dependency management tool to manage its local installation, virtual environment and dependencies.

After installing poetry, the project may be cloned, the Poetry installation run, and a (Poetry) virtual shell environment for running the tests set up as follows (or use your favorite IDE - e.g. like PyCharms - to set up the Poetry environment as such):

git clone
cd SRI_testing

# creates a new virtual environment or reuses
# a current one, then installs dependencies
poetry install

The SRI Testing harness testing leverages the Python testing Pytest framework to generate a series of unit tests to be run based on test data and test configurations curated for available Translator ARA and KP resources. The core test script - - for achieving this is under the tests/onehop project respository subfolder. Those tests are most conveniently run from inside that subfolder:

cd tests/onehop

The One Hop tests may be run on all the available Translator ARA and KP resources by simply typing the following command (from within the test/onehop folder):

poetry run pytest

Since it is a bit tiring to type poetry run each time, let's start running the test script inside a poetry shell (such a shell allows running of commands without the need to prefix run Poetry-installed applications with the 'poetry run' command directive):

poetry shell

Running all the tests on all Translator components is very computationally intensive. Besides, you have your favorite KP or ARA, don't you?

The running of the test script may therefore be constrained to run on one (or a smaller number) of the KP and/or ARA resources, by specifying the Infores object identifiers in question (comma-delimited string for multiple resources) as the values of the --kp_id and --ara_id command line parameters.

If you wish to solely run a KP test and possibly wish to skip ARA tests, you may also provide a value of SKIP to the --ara_id. For example, to solely run tests on the Broad Institute's Molecular Provider service, the following command works (assuming that they have properly curated their test edge data):

pytest --kp_id="molepro" --ara_id="SKIP" --x_maturity="staging"

Note here that we also specified the X-Maturity environment being tested (in this case, "staging"). In fact, every SRI Testing One Hop test run only accesses one X-Maturity environment. If you don't specify such an environment, the system chooses one for you, based on environment precedence ('production' > 'staging' > 'testing' > 'development') and availability of test data.

The above test run will produce a somewhat verbose and opaque regular Pytest console output (albeit with a 'short test summary info' section at the end giving a general indication of the outcome of the test run). Have no fear: there are more digestible sources for the results captured in the form of a set of structured JSON files. If you haven't configured a full (Mongo) database to capture the results, then these JSON files are locally dumped onto your filing system under the tests/onehop/test_results subfolder within a date time stamp-indexed directory, looking something like (specific test run details will differ):

# example of a test run under 'tests/onehop/test_results'
ls -R1 test_results/2023-06-06_10-44-19



For more complete details about SRI Testing One Hop tests and JSON file results, see the full One Hop tests documentation.

We again briefly mention here the use of a Mongo database to conveniently manage your test run output; use of the web service programmatic API to retrieve test results; and availability of a web UI Dashboard to view such results in a more convenient human-readable fashion (see below).

Contents of this Repository

The project has four top-level folders:

SRI Testing as a Web Service

The SRI Testing Harness may be run as a Web Service. See here for more details.

TRAPI Validation Dashboard

A nice web interface is available to browse through results of SRI Testing Harness test runs. Documentation about this web interface is available. The interface may also be deployed as a Docker container (see below).

A Translator Reference deployment of the web user interface, hosted by RENCI, is available at

Running the System within Docker

The SRI Testing system may also be run within Docker containers, using Docker Compose.

Assuming that you have installed both Docker (or rather, Docker Desktop) and Docker-Compose (Note: Docker Desktop now conveniently installs both...), then the following steps can be followed to run the system.


Two Dockerfile templates are available: Dockerfile_RENCI_PRODUCTION and Dockerfile_SIMPLE. If you simply want to run the system locally, the SIMPLE dockerfile may do. A more robust Dockerfile configuration file - the RENCI variant - is more optimized for Kubernetes deployment in an institutional setting (like RENCI!). Copy one or the other file into a single file named "Dockerfile" then continue with the instructions below.

The SRI Testing Dashboard also relies on some site specific parameters - encoded in a .env environmental variable configuration file -to work properly. The .env file is .gitignored in the repo. A template file, dot_env_template is provided. A copy of this file should be made into a file called .env and customized to site requirements (see full details here).

Note that the application now normally (by default) retrieves its Translator KP and ARA test data via settings in the Translator SmartAPI Registry (the 'Registry'). For testing purposes, the Registry may be bypassed and "mock" data used, by setting the environment variable MOCK_TRANSLATOR_REGISTRY to '1'. Setting this variable to zero ('0') forces the use of the 'real' Registry. Make a copy of the doc_env_template located in the root project directory, into a file called .env and uncomment out the variable setting therein.

Database for the Test Results

You will generally want to have the backend persist its test results in a MongoDb database(*), so first start up a Mongo instance as so:

docker-compose -f run-mongodb.yaml up -d

Note that the application will default to use the filing system for its test run under a local results directory, if the MongoDb container is not running. The application will start a bit more slowly in such a situation as it awaits the timeout of the attempted connection to a MongoDb database.

If the database is running, the Mongo-Express container may be run to look at it:

docker-compose -f run-mongodb-monitor.yaml up -d

Mongo-Express web page is available at http://localhost:8081. It is generally not a good idea to run this on a production server.

Testing Engine and Web Dashboard

Next, build then start up the services consisting of Docker containers for the testing dashboard and backend engine - defined in the default Dockerfile - using Docker Compose, by the root directory of the project, build the local docker container

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Pointing a web browser to http://localhost will display the Dashboard web interface to SRI Testing results (test runs on the filing system or in a Mongo database). Concurrently, the docker-compose has started up the web services container delivering the data to the Dashboard. This OpenAPI documentation of this service implementation may be directly viewed via the endpoint http://localhost:8090/docs (the API paths themselves directly accessed via the endpoint). Docker logs may be viewed in a streaming fashion by:

docker-compose logs -f

To stop the Docker containers:

docker-compose down
docker-compose -f run-mongodb.yaml down

Of course, the above docker-compose commands may be overridden by the user to suit their needs. Note that the docker implementation assumes the use of uvicorn (installed as a dependency).

Release 3.0.0 'HopLite' release

'HopLite' (named after an ancient Greek civilian soldier) is essentially SRI_Testing lacking the TRAPI schema and Biolink Model validation of TRAPI Responses and simply verifies that test input edges are recovered in the TRAPI Response results. Setting the environment variable 'FULL_VALIDATION' to any non-empty value (default: None == 'HopLite' run) triggers the original 'full' validation.

The test run summary (JSON) file has a 'mode' flag indicating either "FullComplianceValidation" or "HopLite".