This only support UNIX based systems. If you are a Windows user you can still use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run this. You can find the WSL here Also, running this remotely (e.g. on a server as Cloud Shell) is not recommended.
- Clone the repo with
git clone
- Install the requirements with
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- (Optional) Export your token in your (bash/zsh)rc with
export DISCORD_TOKEN=<your token> >> ~/.bashrc
- Run ToastCord with
python3 -m toastcord --token "$DISCORD_TOKEN"
Needing help or having issues ? Message me on Discord: toast#3108
- Look messages through guilds channels & DMs
- Switch through guilds, channels and DMs with mouse
- Send messages to guilds channels
- Send messages to users
- Keybinds
- r Refresh the messages in the selected channel
- s Toggle the sidebar
- q Exit ToastCord
- Custom API client for interacting with Discord
- Asynchronous and synchronous HTTP clients
- Add notifications
- Add profile lookup
- "Infinite" conversations loading (from the last message to the first, progressively)
๐ This is being updated, don't forget to git fetch
and git pull