To create my scene I used the rectangle shape for the road, the line shape for the dashed road line, another rectangle for the car body, elpises for the car wheels and a polygon to create the cone. Each differnt object having their own shapes. The come will spawn in at a random road postion every 5 seconds and the car can move from left to right using "a" and "d". The svg has the ability to resize with the window if it is resized after everything has loaded.
figuring out how to use npm to install and add d3 to my code without having a direct link to it
Setting up and learning to configure a webpack to bundle my code and and allow me to run a live server that updates whenever I refresh my code
Adding functionality to move the car with "a" and "d"
Determined way to group the car and wheels so they move together
Making the car appear to move by animating te the center line to move downwards
Svg resizes with window to allow for a more immersive experience
Designing a polygon to appear as a cone