This package is still in the beta stages, so expect updates that may break things, if you're using it.
DAPIWrap is a fairly simple Python wrapper for the Doomworld /idgames archive API. In addition to allowing you to access the API using Python, it also has a few added features, located in dapiwtools
, that aren't provided by the API, such as search filtering, and downloading functions, for downloading wads from the supported mirrors on the Doomworld /idgames archive.
Please don't abuse this wrapper, and hammer the Doomworld servers with it.
It seems that the maximum number of search results the API will return is 100. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about this. Just a limit of the API. If you are searching for something specific, you can try being a bit more specific with your search.
Install/Uninstall with PIP
pip install
pip uninstall dapiwrap
These are some brief examples of how to use the functions of DAPIWrap.
#!/usr/bin/env python from dapiwrap import DAPIWrap daw = DAPIWrap() wad_info = daw.get_id(12815)
#!/usr/bin/env python from dapiwrap import DAPIWrap daw = DAPIWrap() wad_info = daw.get_file("levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/")
#!/usr/bin/env python from dapiwrap import DAPIWrap daw = DAPIWrap() results ="zdmcmp1")
#!/usr/bin/env python from dapiwrap import ( DAPIWrap, DIRECT_DESC, FILTER_YEAR, SORT_RATING, TYPE_TITLE ) daw = DAPIWrap() params = { "type": TYPE_TITLE, "sort": SORT_RATING, "dir": DIRECT_DESC, "filter": (FILTER_YEAR, 1995) } results ="test", params)
#!/usr/bin/env python from dapiwrap import DAPIWrap dl_folder = "C:\\games\\doom\\wads\\" daw = DAPIWrap(), dl_folder)
#!/usr/bin/env python from dapiwrap import DAPIWrap dl_folder = "C:\\games\\doom\\wads\\" daw = DAPIWrap()"levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/", dl_folder)
Getting a specific wad's full info, using an ID or filename, typically returns a response like this (this is just an example):
{ u'age': 832402800, u'author': u'Some Dude', u'base': u'New level from scratch', u'bugs': u'No', u'buildtime': u'1 hour', u'credits': u'iD Software', u'date': u'2014-01-01', u'description': u'This is a brief description of the wad.', u'dir': u'levels/doom2/s-u/', u'editors': u'Doom Builder 2', u'email': u'', u'filename': u'', u'id': 12815, u'idgamesurl': u'idgames://levels/doom2/s-u/', u'rating': 5.0, u'reviews': {u'review': [{u'text': u'cool map', u'vote': 5}]}, u'size': 67005, u'textfile': u"The entirety of the wad's text file would be here.", u'title': u'Test', u'url': u'', u'votes': 2 }
Or None
, if no wad was found.
A search will yield a list of more brief info for each wad found, like so (this is just an example):
[ { u'age': 832402800, u'author': u'Some Dude', u'date': u'2014-01-01', u'description': u'This is a brief description of the wad.', u'dir': u'levels/doom2/s-u/', u'email': u'', u'filename': u'', u'id': 12021, u'idgamesurl': u'idgames://levels/doom2/s-u/', u'rating': 5.0, u'size': 67005, u'title': u'Test', u'url': u'', u'votes': 2 }, { u'age': 865432674, u'author': u'Another Guy', u'date': u'2014-02-02', u'description': u'This is a brief description of the wad.', u'dir': u'levels/doom2/a-c/', u'email': u'', u'filename': u'', u'id': 13024, u'idgamesurl': u'idgames://levels/doom2/a-c/', u'rating': 4.8, u'size': 76050, u'title': u'Another Wad', u'url': u'', u'votes': 1 }, ]
Or []
(empty list
), if no wads were found.
At the moment, downloading returns the closed file object.