Multi-Machine Vagrant Environments: This Vagrantfile will create 3 Centos VM's to simulate Ansible control machine and 2 target hosts.
- client1 - No GUI
- client2 - No GUI
- ansible-host - No GUI
Internet connection is a must!
Vagrant plugins - vagrant-proxyconf - needed if you are running behind proxy
Virtualbox: latest
- - this file enables Centos repository (of my choice: EPEL and ELREPO). Add /etc/hosts file entry
- - this file sets permissions for the vagrant ssh private key
Before you run vagrant up, make sure that you updated the Vagrantfile to your desired configuration. Specifically use the box that are available from The entry on the current vagrant file are custom boxes and is not available from atlas.
Once you are done:
vagrant up Wait for about 6 minutes to finish the build. Once done. You can try to ssh to your ansible-host vm. You can verify this by using "vagrant status"
vagrant ssh ansible-host once you are login to your ansible-host vm, you can now verify if the other vm are reachable.
Contains the private and public key used to authenticate to the targets over ssh. Vagrant box trenthani/at-centos has the public key added to the authorizedkeys for the Vagrant users.
Contains the basic structure required for an ansible project.
- inventories/
- playbooks/
- roles/
- ansibile.cfg
To get started with your Ansible training follow the steps bellow:
- create a new git project (using a git service of your choice)
- add the contents of the seed directory to your project
- update your ansible.cfg to represent your setup (keys to focus on: hostfile)
- update your ansible_ssh_user and ansible_ssh_private_key_file details (in this case the keys are in your invetnrory file [all:vars])
- add, commit, push your changes to your remote git service
- connect to your ansible-host using vagrant ssh ansible-host
- clone your git project to your ansible-host
- set your git directory as your working directory - making sure your working directory contains ansible.cfg
- test your setup by running
ansible all -m ping
to confirm the hosts files is found and that the ssh authentication works
To avoid unintentional loading of directories and files to your git repository be sure to configure your inclusions and exclusions via .gitignore.