Use folder problem_2
long possiblePathsIterative(int M, int N) {
// homework
return 0; // place holder
This function return the number of possible and unique ways to go from the top left cell to bottom right cell in an M columns by N rows grid. One can only move either down or right at any point in time. This is the same example you see in class on 10/31/2019.
Unit tests are provided in test/unit_tests.cpp. They should all pass with your possiblePathsIterative(...).
2. (10pt) Create an account at and create a new public repository
To clean up your code, you should remove everything generated by cmake and make. Your files should look like this:
pdu:~/class6/homework/problem_3$ tree
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── googletest
│ ├── googletest-download.cmake
│ └── googletest.cmake
├── src
│ └── possible_paths.h
└── test
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── main.cpp
└── unit_tests.cpp
3 directories, 8 files
Send an email to with the link to your repository as your submission to this homework problem. You do not need to zip this problem and send to canvas.