code by Robert Alexander
This application provides a web-based Twilio bridge for sending and receiving texts messages. When a message containing a valid url is sent to the application, it will capture a screenshot of that page, save the screenshot locally, add the source url and time captured to the description metadata of the image, reply to the original sender with a link to the image, and save the url captured, image link, and time captured to a Google Sheets document ( Perl and MySQL are required.
To start this application, navigate to its directory, and run screen perl screen perl
To stop this application, navigate to its directory, terimate any instances of, and run hypnotoad -s
This application is written in perl, and requries the folllowing modules: Mojolicious sudo apt-get install libmojolicious-perl DBI sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl LWP::UserAgent & HTTP::Cookies sudo apt-get install libwww-perl Digest::MD5 sudo apt-get install libdigest-md5-perl File::Basename This should come by default with most perl installations, let me know if anything comes up here Image::ExifTool sudo apt-get install libexiftool-perl Lawrence Included with this file
This application also requires apache2, and a valid url and ssl certificate configured according to the example files in apache2_examples/ The headers, proxy, and proxy_http apache2 mods must be enabled.