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Brunch app

This is HTML5 application, built with Brunch.


Clone this repo manually with git or use brunch new

Getting started

  • Install (if you don't have them):
    • Node.js: brew install node on OS X

    • Install cairo for spritesheet generation (brew install cairo), you may install brew and xquartz before

    • Brunch: npm install -g brunch

    • Bower: npm install -g bower

    • GraphicsMagick: brew install graphicsmagick

    • Cairo: brew install cairo

    • Brunch plugins and Bower dependencies: npm install & bower install

  • Run:
    • brunch watch --server — watches the project with continuous rebuild. This will also launch HTTP server with pushState.
    • brunch build --production — builds minified project for production. Open the public/ dir to see the result.
  • Learn:
    • Write your code in app dir.
    • Put static files that should be copied (index.html etc) to app/assets.
    • Manage dependencies with Bower bower install --save or simply put third-party styles & scripts in vendor dir.
  • About:


This skeleton has been made to increase productivity when developping

  • No require of collection, view or template is needed, everything is preloaded
  • ArticleIndexView will point to views/article/index/


  • Collection will try to find model with same name, ArticleCollection, will try to find ArticleModel
  • where returns a Collection of the same type, check backbone.collectionsubset for more infos, this collection is also cached

View organisation

  • Styles, Templates and Views are all in the same place, in order to access them more efficiently and to keep organisation clean.
  • No need to specify @template on View
  • No need to specify @listSelector on CollectioView, default to .list
  • No need to specify @itemView on View, it default to the item/item-view in the same folder
  • View::beforeTemplate(callback) can be overrided and is executed before the view render, callback must be call to render
  • View::afterTemplate() occurs after the render and can be overrided as well

Ex: /app /views /layout - LayoutView layout.jade - LayoutTemplate, the jade template layout.styl - corresponding styl, should start with .layout-view /article /index - ArticleIndexView, list of article (CollectionView) index.jade - ArticleTemplate, can be omitted if it's just a list of item index.styl /item - ArticleIndexItemView, item (itemView of item.jade item.styl

Animation and touch events

Animations are prefered to be in CSS, using velocity (with UI Pack):

@$('.something').velocity 'transition.bouceIn', -> console.log 'done'

Touch events are handled by hammer, use hammerEvents instead of basic jQuery events :

  'swipeLeft .element': 'onSwipeLeft'

Smart Navigation

  • To navigate within the app, use <a> element as often as you can
  • No need to put href, it will be automaticaly added from some data arguments: data-route-name, data-route-reset, data-route-arg1, data-route-arg2, ...
  • If parameters are already in the URL of the current page, they will be added as well, except if data-route-reset is passed
  • Please also read helpers/

Ex for the current url: /categories/2/articles/1

a(data-route-name='article#show', data-route-article-id=3)
// -> <a href="/categories/2/articles/3">

a(data-route-name='article#show', data-route-article-id=3, data-route-reset)
// -> <a href="/articles/3">


Sometime it's not easy to test on devices without console, or sometime you want a quick info to some debug data In the LayoutView, just add some method starting with debug like this:

debugSomething: (callback)->
  callback('Some value')

debugSomethingElse: (callback)->
  callback('Some other value')

Then on the layout there is a small button, you can hit to have an area display on the screen with your debug datas like:

Something:        Some value
SomethingElse:    Some other value

About skeleton with class: improve productivity (no more require()), automaticly detect templates, itemView, ... using subcollections, sprites, jade, stylus, chaplin






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