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Polymarket Copy Trading Bot


This project is a Polymarket Copy Trading Bot that allows users to automatically copy trades from a selected trader on Polymarket.


  • Automated Trading: Automatically copy trades from a selected trader.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Continuously monitor the selected trader's activity.
  • Customizable Settings: Configure trading parameters and risk management.


  1. Install latest version of Node.js and npm
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd polymarket_copy_trading_bot
  3. Create .env file:
    touch .env
  4. Configure env variables:
    USER_ADDRESS = 'Selected account wallet address to copy'
    PROXY_WALLET = 'Your Polymarket account address'
    PRIVATE_KEY = 'My wallet private key'
    CLOB_HTTP_URL = ''
    CLOB_WS_URL = 'wss://'
    FETCH_INTERVAL = 1      // default is 1 second
    TOO_OLD_TIMESTAMP = 1   // default is 1 hour
    RETRY_LIMIT = 3         // default is 3 times
    MONGO_URI = 'mongodb+srv://'
    RPC_URL = ''
    USDC_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174'
  5. Install the required dependencies:
    npm install
  6. Build the project:
    npm run build
  7. Run BOT:
    npm run start


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request. And if you are interested in this project, please consider giving it a star✨.


For any questions or inquiries, please contact me at rannieturla.