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HLS-based framework to accelerate the implementation of 2-D DP kernels on FPGA


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DP-HLS: A High-Level Synthesis Framework for Accelerating Dynamic Programming Algorithms in Bioinformatics

Table of Contents


Welcome to the official repository of DP-HLS, a framework designed to accelerate algorithms based on the 2-D Dynamic Programming paradigm using High-Level Synthesis (HLS).

Built with the AMD Vitis HLS tool, DP-HLS offers a user-friendly template with extensive customization options. This allows you to create and implement FPGA-accelerated kernels tailored to your specific needs, without the necessity of deep RTL design expertise.

With the DP-HLS framework, you can develop efficient DP-based kernels that achieves performance comparable to its hand-coded RTL version, all within a development timeframe of just a few days, and deploy them on Amazon EC2 F1 FPGA instances.

Figure above shows front-end design of DP-HLS with features and steps to customize kernels.

For more detailed information on all the features and settings of DP-HLS, please refer to our Wiki.

Getting Started

To create, customize and deploy your own kernel on FPGA using DP-HLS framwork, it requires a series of steps to be executed. We have already developed pre-built templates of some of the well known algorithms mentioned in table 1 of Wiki. These pre-built templates are simulated using standard C++, synthesized using AMD Vitis HLS 2021.1 toolchain on 8-core Amazon EC2 z1d instance and deployed on Amazon EC2 F1 instance based FPGA.

The following sections mentions the steps to quickly simulate, synthesize and deploy global affine kernel which incorporates Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with affine gap penalty. Similar steps need to be followed for other pre-built kernel templates as well.

To create and execute your own custom kernel, please refer to the these sections in Wiki which describes all possible commands and parameters supported by DP-HLS - Customize new kernels, Build and simulate new kernels and Synthesize and deploy new kernels.

Step 0: Create AWS instance.

To use our DP-HLS framework quickly to build and run the kernels, it would be preferrable to use AWS instances which comes with the AWS FPGA Developer AMI containing AMD Xilinx Vitis 2021.2.

Step 1: Clone the DP-HLS repository.

The DP-HLS repo can be cloned using the following commands.

git clone

or ssh to :

git clone

Step 2: Install the required dependencies.

Please make sure the following dependencies are installed in your system.

  • g++ >= 4.8.5
  • Python > 3.6

Step 3: Build and simulate the kernel.

Once the repository is cloned and dependencies are installed, run the following command to build and simulate the kernel.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make global_affine 

Step 4: Synthesize the kernel.

Once the build is complete, you need to configure the file config.json under demo/global_affine by providing the DP-HLS folder path. This pre-configured JSON file will compile and synthesize the Global Affine kernel with MAX_QUERY_LENGTH and MAX_REFERENCE_LENGTH as 256 each along with 32 PEs, 2 Blocks, and 1 Compute Unit. The input clock frequency is set to 250 MHz.

    "size": {
        "max_problem_size": [
            {"max_query_length": 256, "max_reference_length": 256}
        "pe_num": [32],
        "blocks": [2],
        "cu": [1]
    "kernel": {
        "name": "seq_align_multiple_static",
        "clock_frequency": 250000000
    "design": {
        "path_params": "<dp_hls_root>/DP-HLS/demo/global_affine/design",
        "path_frontend": "<dp_hls_root>/demo/global_affine/design/kernel_global_affine.cpp",
        "dp-hls_root": "<dp_hls_root>",
        "host_program": "<dp_hls_root>/DP-HLS/src/hosts/host_ocl_global.cpp"
    "output_path": "<dp_hls_root>/demo/global_affine/output/compile",
    "output_name": "global_affine",
    "build": {
        "build_type": "hw"
    "vitis_hls": {
        "cosim_testbench": "<dp_hls_root>/DP-HLS/testbench/test_csim_global_affine.cpp",
        "output_path": "<dp_hls_root>/demo/global_affine/output/cosim",
        "export_design": 0

Once the JSON file is configured as mentioned above, run the following command for compiling and synthesizing the Global Affine kernel.

python /home/centos/workspace/DP-HLS/py-hls/ --config <dp_hls_root>/demo/global_affine/config.json --compile True --num_workers 1 --all True

After completion of this step, an .xclbin file will be generated which is the bitstream file, used for deploying the kernel on the FPGA device.

Step 5: Deploy the kernel on FPGA.

Once the compilation is done and the .xclbin bitsteram is generated, you need to create an AFI to deploy the kernel. This can be done on any platform. However, we prefer using AWS instances which has AWS FPGA Developer AMI containing AMD Vitis 2021.2.

First you need to create a S3 bucket for the design checkpoint (DCP) and the logs.

1. Create AFI

Execute the following commands to create an AFI for kernel deployment.

git clone  # Clone the AWS FPGA Repo
source aws-fpga/     # Setup the Vitis HLS
cd <dp_hls_root>/demo/global_affine/output/compile && <aws_fpga_repo_path>/Vitis/tools/ -xclbin=./build_dir.hw.xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1_shell-v04261818_201920_3/seq_align_kernel.xclbin -o=./global_affine -s3_bucket=<s3_bucket_name> -s3_dcp_key=<s3_dcp_folder> -s3_logs_key=<s3_logs_folder>

2. Waiting for the AFI to ready

You can check whether an AFI is ready using aws ec2 describe-fpga-images --fpga-image-ids <AFI ID>. The AFI is ready to use if the status of the code is available, as shown below.

"State": {
    "Code": "available"

3. Run the kernel

You can now run the kernel on AWS F1 FPGA based instances.

AWS instance creation: AWS F1 instance creation can be done with two methods. The first method is to change the instance type of the development instance to be f1.2xlarge. The another method is to create an EFS that are capable share files across multiple instances; then you create a new F1 instance with AWS-FPGA repo cloned in it and upload the compilation output folder to the EFS for sharing between the Development and Deployment instance.

Once you are on the F1 instance, after you can access the compiled bitstream, you can start the kernel by running:

./dp-hls_host global_affine.awsxclbin

Happy coding with DP-HLS!

Citing DP-HLS

If you use DP-HLS in your research or publications, please cite the following paper:

Y. Cao, A. Gupta, J. Liang, and Y. Turakhia, “DP-HLS: A high-level synthesis framework for accelerating dynamic programming algorithms in bioinformatics,” 2024. [Online]. Available: