This is our final project for OOP class.
- Quiz creation
- Information display
- Quiz play logic with practice mode
- Quiz display by various methods
- Search and filtration system
- Mail system
- Friend system with activity
- Administration
- Categories and tags
- Achievements
- History
- Login/Registration
- Image upload
- Statistics
- User ban
- Protection from SQL injections
- Quiz comments and rating
- Announcements
- Report system
- database - Where the program can communicate with SQL tables
- accounts - system used for registration/#
- attempts - system used for playing quizzes
- statistics - system used for getting statistics
- listeners - bind the databases and various systems for website use
- servlets - controllers for website inputs
- achievements - Displays achievements gotten by the user
- categories - Displays the various quiz categories(Are predefined and can't be changed)
- category - A single category page showing quizzes in that category
- createQuiz - Page used for creating quizzes
- friends - Displays friends of the currently logged in user
- header - Header of the webpage(Displayed in every page)
- historySummary - Displays every history of the quizzes the user has written
- index - Home page
- login - Page used to log into the site
- mail - Displays the mail panel(Displayed in every page)
- playQuiz - Page used for playing quizzes
- profile - Displays information about users
- quizInfo - Displays information about a quiz
- quizResult - Displays information about the finished quiz attempt
- quizzes - Page used to display every quiz with filtration(see all)
- register - Displays user registration page
- search - Page displayed after search bar input
- statistics - Page displaying the statistics of the quiz site
Before testing, run '' to set up database structure and change DBInfo credentials Base administrator is System, pass : xyz