This is an interactive Simon Game written in VanillaJS/CSS/HTML to simulate the classic Simon Electronic Memory Game.
This game is written in JavaScript with some ES6 feature used, so you only need a modern browser that supports ES6 to play the game! Check if your browser support ES6: ECMAScript 6 compatibility table
Each level will have different set(s) of button blink, player must follow the order of how the button blink and click the corresponding button in order. If all buttons were click correctly, player will enter next level and have a more complex set of challenge as the game progresses to higher levels. Good luck! 😜
- GitHub Project Repository:
- GitHub Pages Demo:
To run the application:
- Download the GitHub zip file or clone the repository onto your local workstation:
- Open a browser window and navigate to the index.html file in your application's directory.
- ES6 Arrow Function Expression
- HTML data-* Attributes
- CSS Transitions