Add, remove and modify prefabs in A Township Tale
This browser based application gives a click-driven abstraction to the A Township Tale console's command set
You can download the latest (Windows) executable version of Prefabulator here:
v1.8.2 - Fixed an issue with connecting to servers. Disabled the hand camera follow feature, this is too resource intensive on the server right now. Added a new app icon by Gasher! Thanks Gasher!
v1.8.1 - Added touch input support, which also fixes using Control buttons with Oculus touch trigger input. Updated some dependencies that had security concerns.
v1.8.0 - Experimental hand camera follow feature
v1.7.0 - Snap groups to ground! Fixed issue with accidentally deleting yourself or other protected prefabs as part of a group. Cloning regular objects works now!. Cloned objects will also spawn offset by 1 meter in the 'up' direction for visibility. Cloning now uses the save/load connection to prevent interruption since it can take some time on large groups.
v1.6.5 - Added the community storage multiplier
v1.6.4 - Added the new player set-home command, and options to set it to player location, user location, an exact position, or respawn point (reset)
v1.6.3 - Added preliminary version of keyboard support for moving prefabs
v1.6.2 - Oops! Hotfix for loading of spawnables and subscriptions
v1.6.1 - Added prefab and group cloning! Also time of day to server settings, and title tags to all icon-only controls.
v1.6.0 - Added item grouping, group selection, and moving (and rotating!) groups of objects together
v1.5.3 - Reworked saves to use prefab parentage instead of builder whitelist, this fixes saving newly introduced items. Moved "use exact coordinates" option from Save to Load, so builder can choose to spawn exact or relative. Made a new connection for Save/Load to prevent interference
v1.5.2 - Added subscription selections to the console so you can control which events you watch
v1.5.1 - Finally added the command console, which has been "coming soon" for far too long.
v1.5.0 - Added websocket listener to backend. Changed all movement controls to use this interface. Added click-hold interaction to all movement controls - no more click spam!
v1.4.0 - Added scaling to prefab spawner.
v1.3.0 - Changed prefab saving tech to use strings which preserve materials and attachments on items loaded from json file. Searchable servers, as well as only showing servers you can administer. Fixed searching with the 'Find Prefabs' tool. Player stats now show the current values. Finally, removed the default window menu.
v1.2.0 - Added the ability to scan nearby objects position/rotation, save it to a json file, and spawn teh collection from the file. This can be used to either duplicate a group of prefabs (eg. a building), or to replace things that are lost during a wipe. These files can be shared to pass these resources between servers. Some UI consolidation to make room for this interface. Player stats now show the correct values, the server list is searchable, and spawn commands have a place to put optional arguments.
v1.1.7 - Loads the list of spawnables on server connect so it remains up to date. Fixed +/- buttons on spawn dialogs.
v1.1.6 - Added selection history dropdown, added search to Select -> Find Nearby tool
v1.1.5 - Added teleporting, server messages, player spawn/post tool and player administration tool
v1.1.1 - Changed default port to 21129 to avoid issues with other software. Fixed player config controls. Added options to configure other players on the server
v1.1.0 - Made prefabulator an electron app!
v1.0.4 - Added player config, currently only for the tool user's player
v1.0.2 - Added some server configuration options
v1.0.1 - Should support multiple people using it on the same server without select collision
v1.0.0 - The first version! PREFABULATOR supports spawning new objects, moving them around, finding nearby objects, and selecting the nearest object of a specific kind
can only be used by one person at a time on each server, one person selecting items breaks the other player's selections -
Prefabulator movement controls do not currently work using Oculus dashboard. I recommend running through SteamVR and using an overlay tool like OVRToolkit or OVRDrop in the meantime. Use the A button on the controller to interact with Prefabulator window controls. For some reason using the trigger is not sending a complete 'click' event, but using A button allows the new click+hold behavior and acts more like a real mouseclick. -
When a Group is selected, the 'look-at' and 'Snap Ground' commands will not work. This is WIP.
It's recommended to use the latest release version found here:
Simply download the version for your operating system, extract the files, and run attPrefabulator
First, install node.js, recommend version 12 LTS
Next, install git
At this point, restart your PC to make sure the PATH is correctly set
Open a command prompt or terminal and type
git clone
cd attprefabulator/
Install the necessary node dependencies to run the app using the npm command
npm i
Start up the application with
npm start
If you'd like to run this headless as a server, you can alternately run
npm run server
In this mode, you should set the environment variable USE_SAVED_PASS=0 to prevent setting default credentials, eg:
USE_SAVED_PASS=0 npm run server
Finally, browse to the app with your favorite web browser, at:
Login using your A Township Tale user and password, select a server you're currently playing on, and wave the console command line goodbye!