Releases: TwitchPlaysBF2/BF2Dashboard
Releases · TwitchPlaysBF2/BF2Dashboard
BF2.TV App Release v0.1.0.0
What's Changed
- Fixes white screen flash, when launching app
- Introduce Auto-Refresh to Dashboard #20 by @TwitchPlaysBF2 in #43
- Introduce alerts #45 by @TwitchPlaysBF2 in #46
- Stop server community logo from overflowing it's container by @cetteup in #49
Full Changelog: v0.0.3.0...v0.1.0.0
BF2.TV App v0.0.3.0
- Updated binaries of the joinme-click launcher to the newest version (v0.2.1) in order to fix a bug on Windows 11 if users had a custom path to their Windows document folder
- Fixed setup procedure to no longer overwrite possibly customized joinme file
(I hope the newest binary still works with the old config)
BF2.TV App v0.0.2.0
New App Features
- App now comes with a tray icon
- App can be minimized to tray
- Tray icon offers you to join favorite servers directly
- Your BF2 player name now gets automatically detected and greets you in the app
- Uses my recently created NuGet library
- This is just a base feature for now, setting ground for cooler stuff to come
BF2.TV App v0.0.1.2
- Improve auto-updater experience
- Attempt to fix white background flash when rendering webview component
BF2.TV App Release v0.0.1.1
This is the first release of the BF2.TV App for Windows 🎉
So far, there are no differences to the web version of - except the AutoUpdater mechanism. Which hopefully works. We'll see soon 😁