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Kim edited this page Sep 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the PhotonTutorial320 wiki!

The project is currently in development but I will updating regularly.

Avatars with MRTK camera functionality.

This is in the MRTKAdapted branch of this project. UPDATE: this will very shortly be in the master branch.

Because it contains modified versions of the Photon 2 Tutorial scripts, the relevant Launcher and Room Scenes are called VR so they can be distinguished from the original.

Plans for the project and this wiki (instructions and notes)

  • test and fix the VR compatible Photon scene loading (there is an intermittent bug with some editor versions)
  • change room loading to be stable (don't change rooms with more players, excess players should start in a new room
  • provide a non-launcher version of the project.
  • make packages and instructions for easy conversion for current student projects.

I will update the Wiki docs more soon.

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