This is a work in progress. The syntax and the semantic of the proposed extension to JavaScript are not yet fully defined and tested. The packages are published in the GitHub registry, but they are not ready for production.
This branch of this repo illustrates how to use Pablo Santana's set of packages published in the GitHub registry inside the ull-esit-pl organization. To see how to use the packages published from the repo ULL-ESIT-PL-2425/parser-left-side-crguezl go to the branch crguezl of this repo.
These packages extend the JavaScript language with a new kind of functions. The packages are:
- The JS parser modified: @ull-esit-pl/parser-left-side
- The AST transformation plugin: @ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-plugin
- The support library: @ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-support
These packages extend JS with a new kind of functions, the @@
functions (we lack of a name for this class of functions: assignable? pure?). Here is an example of declaring an assignable function:
function @@ foo(bar) {
return bar * 2;
These assignable functions can be later modified using the assign expression:
foo(10) = 5;
Here is the full code for our "hello" left-side-plugin example:
➜ babel-npm-test git:(main) cat example.js
function @@ foo(bar) {
return bar * 2;
foo(10) = 5;
console.log(foo(10)); // 5
console.log(foo(5)); // 10
You can fork this repo and test the packages in your own workspace.
Here are the node and npm versions I have used to test the packages:
➜ babel-npm-test node --version
➜ babel-npm-test npm --version
These packages use the GitHub registry instead of the npm registry. Therefore, remember
to set the registry entry in your .npmrc
➜ babel-npm-test git:(main) ✗ cat ~/.npmrc | grep '@ull-esit-pl:'
or set an entry registry
in your package.json
➜ babel-npm-test git:(main) ✗ jq '.registry' package.json
Then you can proceed to install the packages:
npm i -D @babel/cli@7.10 @ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-plugin @ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-support @ull-esit-pl/parser-left-side
Your package.json devDependencies
section will look similar to this:
➜ babel-left-side-npm-test git:(main) ✗ jq '.devDependencies' package.json
"@babel/cli": "^7.10.1",
"@ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-plugin": "latest",
"@ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-support": "latest",
"@ull-esit-pl/parser-left-side": "latest"
To compile the example above add a babel.config.js
to your workspace folder:
➜ babel-npm-test git:(main) cat babel.config.js
module.exports = {
"plugins": [
and then compile it using the installed packages:
➜ babel-npm-test npx babel example.js
This will output the compiled code to the console:
const {
} = require("@ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-support");
const foo = functionObject(function (bar) {
return bar * 2;
assign(foo, [10], 5);
If you want to save it to a file, use the -o
You can pipe the output to node
➜ babel-npm-test npx babel example.js | node -
or alternatively, use the -o
option to save the output to a file and then run it:
➜ babel-left-side-npm-test git:(main) npx babel example.js -o example.cjs
➜ babel-left-side-npm-test git:(main) ✗ node example.cjs
- Our tutorial on babel:
- A tutorial in it describing how thhe packages are published:
- Branch pablo-tfg with the actual code implementation:
- Some internal information:
- The original idea of the project is based on what is explained in this draft: (submitted now to Science of Computer Programming journal)
- We need version numbers to control the progress
- is the one babel has. It has to change to be specific about the extension for the three packages,
- Add
to all install instructions and remove the version number:npm install @ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-plugin -D
- Do we need two separated packages for the plugin and the support? Can we have a single package?