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Navid Haghdadi edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 6 revisions

Tariff Design and Assessment (TDA) tool is developed by Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM), at the University of New South Wales, Australia with support from the Australian PV Institute (APVI). The TDA project was funded by Energy Consumers Australia. The open source TDA tool aims to assist stakeholders, including consumer advocates and researchers, to investigate how different tariff structures impact on the expected bills of different types of residential consumers, while also estimating how well the tariffs align these customer bills with their impact on longer-term network costs. The tool builds on research and analysis currently being undertaken by CEEM and aims to support submissions to network # and tariff structure proposals.

In order to be up to date about the updates, news and also feedback from other stakeholders you can join the TDA's google discussion group:!forum/ceem-tda

Please check other pages of this wiki to get more information about the tool:

  1. Introduction
  2. Term of Use
  3. Installation
  4. Database
  5. Getting Started!
  6. Feedback
  7. Development
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