Very famous tool whois
don't support searching via fields like a 'inetnum', 'descr' and etc. Also it can not
search information for not full matching (for example netname=telecom).
Many geoip
tools and libraries provide geographical information by IP but can not provide reverse search - IP by geographical information.
pip3 install georipe
rwhois -update
geoip -update
it takes around 600MB and 400MB disk spaces respectively.
rwhois -h
geoip -h
So, suppose, we want to find some networks... For example, "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization" (we use '%' as substitution char for more fully searching):
rwhois -netname nato-%
Next, we can see where this networks are located:
rwhois -netname nato-% inetnum | geoip -networks -
Also we can import results into KML-file:
rwhois -netname nato-% inetnum | geoip -networks - -kml > nato.kml
Next example. We try to find some nuclear object through simply query:
rwhois -descr %nuclear% inetnum descr country
Lets try find all networks around some nuclear station. For example Fukushima (20 kilemeters radius):
geoip -circle 28.80,50.85,20 -resolve-whois -html out.html
Note, we use resolve from whois queries, because some networks not managed by RIPE and we dont have their in our ripe database.
The third example. How many network in Pacific Ocean? -circle oceania.txt -resolve-ripe -kml > oceania.kml
Next. As we member, we can get full IPv4-ranges by city/country/continent.
geoip -country 'кипр' network > networks.txt
Lets try to find cisco devices with vulnerable smartinstall service in country:
masscan -p 4786 iL networks.txt --open -oG cisco.txt
For fast searching names and description of potentially affected networks we can use also next command:
rwhois -ip cisco.txt
All netblock and network names around the world (2GiB RAM):
rwhois -inetnums inetnum netname
Sort countries by internet activity (1GiB RAM):
geoip -networks country | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
geoip -networks city|sort |uniq -c|sort -n |nl
Sort cities of country by internet activity:
geoip -country россия city|sort |uniq -c|sort -n
shodan download out port:4786
shodan parse --fields ip_str out.json.gz | geoip -ip -
awk '{print $1}' /var/log/apache2/access.log | sort -u | geoip -ip - network country city
cat bind.log | grep queries | awk '{print $6}' | cut -d '#' -f 1 | sort -u | geoip -ip - network country city
from georipe import geoip
results =["network","city","country"],{"ipaddr":[""]})
for result in["network","city","country"],{"networks":[""]}):
print(f"{result['network']} {result['city']} {result['country']}")
results =["network","city","country"],{"city":["london","paris"],"networks":[""]})
from georipe import rwhois
netname =["inetnum","netname","descr"], {"ipaddr":[""]})[0]['netname']
for result in["inetnum","netname","descr"], {"inetnums":[""]}):
print(f"{result['inetnum']} {result['netname']} {result['descr']}")
ripe database source
apnic database source
afrinic database source
lacnic database source
arin database source
geoip database source