Releases: UST-QuAntiL/forest-service
How to Select Quantum Compilers and Quantum Computers Before Compilation
This is part of the implementation for the paper "How to Select Quantum Compilers and Quantum Computers Before Compilation".
The docker-compose of all components can be found here:
Demo video:
Optimizing the Prioritization of Compiled Quantum Circuits by Machine Learning Approaches
This is part of the implementation for the paper "Optimizing the Prioritization of Compiled Quantum Circuits by Machine Learning Approaches".
The docker-compose of all components can be found here:
Demo video:
Prioritization of Compiled Quantum Circuits for Different Quantum Computers
This is part of the implementation for the paper "Prioritization of Compiled Quantum Circuits for Different Quantum Computers".
The docker-compose of all components can be found here:
Initial release of forest-service
- support compilation via Quilc compiler and execution via simulator
- support compilation of Quil and PyQuil circuits
- returns compiled Quil code after compilation
- supporting files (BASE64 encoded implementations) and urls containing circuits as input
- docker-compose with service, workers, Rigetti QVM, and Rigetti Quilc compiler
Automating the Comparison of Quantum Compilers for Quantum Circuits
This is part of the implementation for the paper "Automating the Comparison of Quantum Compilers for Quantum Circuits".
The docker-compose of all components can be found here:
Demo video: