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The new REST backend for QHAna (see also qhana-plugin-runner)


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QHAna Backend API

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The QHAna Backend API is implemented in Ballerina (Swan Lake Update 8).

Please use the following resources to make yourself familiar with Ballerina:

VSCode is the recommended editor for Ballerina projects.


Install Ballerina using the instructions linked above. Then use the bal cli or vscode to run the project. Before the first run create a sqlite database with the provided schema.

⚠️ When updating from slbeta2 it can happen that the dependency resolution of ballerina fails. In these cases try deleting the ballerina repository cache in the folder ~/.ballerina/repositories/.

:waring: When updating to the swan-lake release from a beta release please follow closely!

Install Liquibase following the instructions in the link.

# create or update the sqlite db 

# start qhana backend
bal run

The API is available at the configured port in main.bal (currently 9090).

DB schema changes

Schema changes need to be added as changesets in the respective changelogs for sqlite and mariadb. For more information, visit Liquibase. To apply all changes in the dev environment, you can run:

liquibase update


  • Running ballerina in a directory with a space in its name currently does not work and results in the following error:
    Unrecognized option: -
    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
    The issue should be resolved soon.


(See also

The backend can be configured by supplying a toml configuration file. Any variable marked as configurable can be changed in that config. The configuration should be specified in a file Config.toml (though the file location and name can be changed by providing an environment variable). A config template that can be copied and renamed is provided under the name Config-template.toml.


To use a MariaDB database change qhana.qhana_backend.database.dbType to "mariadb" in the config and provide the right config values for your database.


For the frontend to be able to communicate normally with the backend the backend must include the domain of the frontend in its CORS header. This can be configured with qhana.qhana_backend.corsDomains.

Building the Docker image

You can build a Docker image for the QHAna backend with this command: docker build -t qhana-backend .

Starting a Docker container

Run a container with this image and bind it to port 9090 with docker run -p 9090:9090 qhana-backend if you want to run the container detached add the flag -d.

Configuration Handling

The QHAna backend can be configured using a toml config file or with environment variables. See Config-template.toml for how the backend can be configured using a toml file. The file has to be named Config.toml and must be in the current working directory the backend is started from.

Environment variables to configure the backend with:

Variable Example Explanation
QHANA_DB_TYPE sqlite|mariadb|mysql The type of DB to connect to.
QHANA_DB_PATH qhana-backend.db The path to the sqlite DB.
QHANA_DB_HOST localhost:3306 The host of a mysql or mariadb DB.
QHANA_DB_NAME QHAnaBackend The mysql or mariadb database name to use.
QHANA_DB_USER dbuser The mysql or mariadb user.
QHANA_DB_PASSWORD **** The mysql or mariadb password.
QHANA_STORAGE_LOCATION experimentData The path where experiment data is stored by the backend.
QHANA_PORT 9090 The port where the backend listens.
QHANA_HOST http://localhost:9090 The host base url of the backend including protocol and port.
QHANA_CORS_DOMAINS http://localhost:4200 Domains for which cors requests are allowed. Entries are separated by any whitespace.
QHANA_WATCHER_INTERVALLS 1 10 10 5 60 Configuration for the result watcher intervalls. Event entries are intervalls (in seconds) and odd entries specify after how many iterations the next intervall in the list is used.
QHANA_SUBSCRIBED_WATCHER_INTERVALLS 60 10 120 Same as the QHANA_WATCHER_INTERVALLS, but these intervalls will be used if the webhook is subscribed to receive updates
QHANA_URL_MAPPING {"http://localhost": "http://host.docker.internal", "https://localhost": "https://host.docker.internal"} A map of rewrite rules for plugin result URLs. The map is a JSON object whose keys are regex patterns and whose values are the replacement strings for these patterns. All rules are applied to an URL without a guaranteed order.
LOCALHOST_PROXY_PORTS :1234 :2345 Alternative to QHANA_URL_MAPPING that can be used with the docker container. Forwards requests that go to the specified ports to the host machine.
QHANA_PLUGINS ["http://localhost:5005/plugins/hello-world@v0-1-0/", "http://localhost:5005/plugins/entity-filter@v0-1-0/"] A list (JSON list/array) of plugin URLs.
QHANA_PLUGIN_RUNNERS ["http://localhost:5005"] The list (JSON list/array) of plugin runner URLs.


Current development is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the PlanQK project (01MK20005N).


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