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IantheJay edited this page Feb 16, 2014 · 4 revisions

Rest API:

For documentation on the REST API, visit this wiki

Our version of REST API:

killKarma Function:

  1. Receives uuid, password, and server address from client.
  1. Door karma request is terminated.

requestKarma Function:

  1. Receives user's name, platform, platform version, uuid, password, and server address from the client.
  1. Sends request to server for door karma.

fillKarma Function:

  1. Receives user's name, uuid, platform, platform version, password, server address and the uuid of the request being filled from the client.
  1. Waiting user accepts the request.
  1. Request is deleted from userlistKarma pool.

readyKarma Function:

  1. Receives user's name, uuid, password, and server address from the client.
  1. Sends notification to server that user is available to provide door karma.
  1. User is added to the Door Karma Giving pool.

unreadyKarma Function:

  1. Receives user's name, uuid, password, and server address from the client.
  1. User is removed from the Door Karma Giving pool.

userlistKarma Function:

  1. Receives password and server address from the client.
  1. Returns list of users awaiting door karma and those waiting to give door karma.

waitingPollKarma Function:

  1. Receives server address and password from the client.
  1. Allows user to check if someone has filled their request.

readyPollKarma Function:

  1. Receives sever address and password from the client.
  1. Checks the userList to see if someone needs door karma.
All programs in this app were conceptualized and produced by the Computer Science LLC, 2014.