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ManuTenorio edited this page Apr 25, 2017 · 5 revisions


  1. Open a quizz that includes a conditinal question. Check the correct behavior of the counter. In this case, the counter must show just the current number of the question.

  2. Change the language of the application from the initial setup before logging in to one of the courses. After logging in the course the selected language must hold.

  3. Trigger the notification of a course. Schedule once more a notification and then cancel this notification. Check that the dialogs in both cases have the same format on device and that the app's language is held, namely, there are no english words like 'Alert' ,'Confirm' or 'Cancel' hardcoded in some JavaScript confirm-dialog.

  4. Check that the problem with multilingual appointments have been solved through the following steps: 4.1) Schedule a notification for an appointment with multilingual tags on its title and description by clicking the bell icon of its box on the Appointments page. 4.2) Hide a notification with multilingual tags on its title and description by clicking the eye icon of its box on the Appointments page. It can be the same appointment of the last step or a different one. 4.3) Change the language of the application and go to the Appointments page. 4.4) The bell icon of the appointment used in the step 4.1 must be activated, i.e. blue colored. 4.5) The appointment used in step 4.2 must be greyed out, and must not be shown on the main page of the application.

  5. Send a notification from the moodle system with entries in all the available languages. Check that the device dislplays it in the current language of the application.

  6. Loggout from the application. Send a notification from the moodle system. The user must not receive this notification once logged out from the application.

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