Prismatic is a library for colored items, armors, and GUI affects for BTA. It allows for item textures to be colored and layered together like spawn eggs are in modern mc, it also allows for the same with armor textures allowing for features like dyeable armors or armor trims in BTA.
This mod needs a specific MultiMC/Prism instance to run and another other mod as a dependency:
- HalpLibe by Turnip Labs
Add this in your build.gradle
repositories {
ivy {
url = ""
patternLayout {
artifact "[organisation]/releases/download/v[revision]/[module]-[revision].jar"
m2compatible = true
metadataSources { artifact() }
dependencies {
modImplementation "BTA_Babric_PrismaticLibe:prismaticlibe:${project.prismatic_version}"
And add this to your