Vamsam fertility centre is a hospital with more than 5 branches all over India. The hospital faced a huge queue up of patients, where an appointment application could benefit both patients and the hospital in scheduling their flexible timings slots accordingly.
Patients Side:
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Login & Sign-up for each patients
- Easily create available and busy timings to control the slots
- Can fix appointments with nearest fertility centre
- Gets notified about the appointment prior
- Hospital data book is provided
- Can cancel all appointments in time window
Hospital side(Hospital is provided with in-app dash- board to manage the appointments)
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Each centre given seperate login credentials
- Can cancel the appointment, which automatically notifies the patient
- Built using Android studio
- Designed using XML
- Java for all functions
- Firebase database for storing the patients details
- Firebase Auth for login and #
- Firestore cloud storage for appointments details
- Firebase cloud messaging for notifications
Through my visits to the hospital regarding the website, I noticed many patients get queued up with doctors, so I gave an idea of an appointment application through which patients could fix appointments and the doctor meetups made easy. The hospital believed and gave me this opportunity. Where first presented a beta version of the application, where testing underwent by known engineers, from that designed a really cool application with addon features and user-friendly UX design.