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Java Containerized Webservice Core



The Web Server

Creating a web server base for a new web service is done by creating a entrypoint or "main" class that extends the type org.veupathdb.lib.container.jaxrs.Server.

The extending class, as a bare minimum, should instantiate a new instance of your extending class and call the inherited method start(String[] cliArgs).
public class Main extends Server {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    var server = new Main();

Enable Site Data access

If your service requires access to one or more of the VEuPathDB standard site databases they must be enabled in your Main class (extending Server) before calling server.start.

If any of the standard databases are enabled, the corresponding CLI args for that database config become required.
public class Main extends Server {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    var server = new Main();

    // Enable Account Database

    // Enable Application Database

    // Enable User Database


Extending the CLI Options

CLI args/environment vars are processed using PicoCLI

If additional CLI flags are required for your service, the type org.veupathdb.lib.container.jaxrs.config.Options may be extended to include additional properties.

Registering your new extended Options class can be done by overriding the Server's newOptions method to return your extended type.
public class Main extends Server {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    var server = new Main();

  protected Options newOptions() {
    return new MyOptions();


Registering Endpoints


Enable Authentication


Enable CORS Headers


Runtime Configuration

Misc Options

Projects based on this library may start with the following base options which may be configured via CLI arguments or environment variables.


Type: string

Required if the service uses request authentication via the WDK user session.

The value must be the MD5 hash of the salt file used by WDK sites.


Type: int

Used to configure the port the web server to listens to.

Defaults to port 80 if unset.


Type: string

Defines the LDAP server(s) that are used to look up Oracle connection details.

Required if the web service connects to Oracle database(s) using a TNS Name rather than individual connection details.

Individual values must be formatted as <host.addr>:<port>, for example

Multiple servers may be specified using a comma to separate them:,


Type: string

The base context in which Oracle database TNS Names will be resolved.

Required if the web service connects to Oracle database(s) using a TNS Name rather than individual connection details.

Example DN

Application DB Connection

Standard Options

These options apply to both LDAP and non-LDAP connection types.


Type: string

Sets the connection username for the application DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: string

Sets the connection password for the application DB that this web service will


Type: int

Sets the connection pool size for the application DB that this web service will connect to.

Defaults to 20

Connecting with LDAP


Type: string

Sets the TNS Name to use when connecting to an application DB instance.

Using this value forces the platform type ORACLE.

If this value is used, the following raw connection info CLI args/env vars will be ignored:

  • --app-db-host|$APP_DB_HOST

  • --app-db-name|$APP_DB_NAME

  • --app-db-port|$APP_DB_PORT

  • --app-db-platform|$APP_DB_PLATFORM

Additionally, if this value is used, the following CLI args/env vars will be required:

  • --ldap-server|$LDAP_SERVER

  • --oracle-base-dn|$ORACLE_BASE_DN

Connecting with Raw Details


Type: string

Sets the host name for the application DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: string

Sets the net/db name for the application DB that this web service will connect to. For Oracle, this should be the Service Name (not SID).


Type: int

Sets the host port for the application DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: enum Values:: * ORACLE * POSTGRESQL

Sets whether this web service will connect to an ORACLE or POSTGRESQL application database.

Defaults to ORACLE

Account DB Connection

Standard Options

These options apply to both LDAP and non-LDAP connection types.


Type: string

Sets the connection username for the account DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: string

Sets the connection password for the account DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: int

Sets the connection pool size for the account DB that this web service will connect to.

Defaults to 20

Connecting with LDAP


Type: string

Sets the TNS Name to use when connecting to an account DB instance.

Using this value forces the platform type ORACLE.

If this value is used, the following raw connection info CLI args/env vars will be ignored:

  • --acct-db-host|$ACCT_DB_HOST

  • --acct-db-name|$ACCT_DB_NAME

  • --acct-db-port|$ACCT_DB_PORT

  • --acct-db-platform|$ACCT_DB_PLATFORM

Additionally, if this value is used, the following CLI args/env vars will be required:

  • --ldap-server|$LDAP_SERVER

  • --oracle-base-dn|$ORACLE_BASE_DN

Connecting with Raw Details


Type: string

Sets the host name for the account DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: string

Sets the net/db name for the account DB that this web service will connect to. For Oracle, this should be the Service Name (not SID).


Type: int

Sets the host port for the account DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: enum Values:: * ORACLE * POSTGRESQL

Sets whether this web service will connect to an ORACLE or POSTGRESQL account database.

Defaults to ORACLE

User DB Connection

Standard Options

These options apply to both LDAP and non-LDAP connection types.


Type: string

Sets the connection username for the user DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: string

Sets the connection password for the user DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: int

Sets the connection pool size for the user DB that this web service will connect to.

Defaults to 20

Connecting with LDAP


Type: string

Sets the TNS Name to use when connecting to an user DB instance.

Using this value forces the platform type ORACLE.

If this value is used, the following raw connection info CLI args/env vars will be ignored:

  • --user-db-host|$USER_DB_HOST

  • --user-db-name|$USER_DB_NAME

  • --user-db-port|$USER_DB_PORT

  • --user-db-platform|$USER_DB_PLATFORM

Additionally, if this value is used, the following CLI args/env vars will be required:

  • --ldap-server|$LDAP_SERVER

  • --oracle-base-dn|$ORACLE_BASE_DN

Connecting with Raw Details


Type: string

Sets the host name for the user DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: string

Sets the net/db name for the user DB that this web service will connect to. For Oracle, this should be the Service Name (not SID).


Type: int

Sets the host port for the user DB that this web service will connect to.


Type: enum Values:: * ORACLE * POSTGRESQL

Sets whether this web service will connect to an ORACLE or POSTGRESQL user database.

Defaults to ORACLE