Command line utility to aid in writing sprints.
Sit Down | And Write |
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This is a simple tool to "benchmark" writing speed over a given time period. It is targeted at Unix people who get their writing assignments done by sprinting and prefer a minimal console program to some big GUI app. In retrospect this might indeed be a very narrow target audience.
- Plain Text
- Odt (OpenOffice)
- Docx (Microsoft Word)
- TeX (Experimental, everything between
will be fed through a rudimentary regex filter to skip formating commands.)
- The fancy statistics are implemented via Ncurses.
- Libmagic for file identification.
- Libzip for odt and docx files.
Cmake is used to build the program. After extracting the sources the build procedure would look something like this:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
All properties of the writing sprint are set on the command line:
wordsmith -f <path-to-manuscript> -t <sprint-time-in-minutes>
Don't forget to save your document once the sprint is over! (Also, since the philosophy of sprinting is that the only valid direction is forward, the script will report a negative value if the word count has been reduced.)
- No GUI (obviously). There might be a Qt version in the future.
- Windows is currently not supported.
Van Ziegelstein - Creator and Maintainer
This tool is licensed under the MIT License.