This is a defence project build for educational purpose in the course of SoftUni Java Web Development with Spring.
Main technologies used are:
- OpenJDK
- Maven
- Spring Boot
- ModelMapper
- Lombok
- Dropbox
- Jacoco (Test coverage)
- Searching and filtering for offers;
- Register and create an account (Dealer or Private);
- Create Dealer or Private account;
- Dealers can manage up to 200 free offers;
- Private accounts can maintain up to 5 free offers;
- Save filters for later search;
- Track offers by adding them to favorites collection;
- Can activate/disable their offers so they do not appear in searches;
- Have roles like "Administrator" and "User". Such with "Administrator" role can manage other users accounts.
The API also supports versioning through Content-Type. For example now the available version is application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
SPA web client built with React and Redux can be found at the following link: autohouse-client
1. Clone the application
git clone
2. Set env variables
SECRET - Used for JWT creation.
MAIL_ADDRESS (Gmail account)
To run the test and check code coverage run:
mvn clean verify
After all the tests complete successfully you can open target/site/jacoco/index.html
in your browser to view the result from the tests.
3. Run the application
Before you run the app you need to set all the env variables stated above and then execute the command:
java -jar target/authouse-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
mvn spring-boot:run
The app will start running at http://localhost:8007
The app defines following CRUD APIs.
Method | Url | Description | Sample Valid Request Body |
POST | /api/auth/# | Log in | JSON |
GET | /api/auth/logout | Submits auth token to blacklist | JSON |
POST | /api/auth/register | # | JSON |
POST | /api/auth/#-or-register | Check if user can login or need to register | JSON |
POST | /api/auth/register/verify?username={}&password={} | Send OTP for verification registered user | |
POST | /api/auth/password-reset-request | Rest forgotten password | JSON |
GET | /api/auth/password-reset-complete?username={}&password={}&code={} | Complete password Reset | |
GET | /api/auth/token/validate?token={} | Check JWT is valid | |
GET | /api/auth/token/refresh?token={} | Refreshes valid JWT | JSON |
Method | Url | Description | Sample Valid Request Body |
POST | /api/users/password/update | Change own password when logged | JSON |
GET | /api/users/offer/add-to-favorites/{offerId} | Mark others offers as favorite | |
GET | /api/users/offer/list?page={}&size={}&sort={} | List pages from all user's offers active and inactive | |
GET | /api/users/offer/toggle-active/{offerId} | Set offer active(visible for others) or inactive |
Method | Url | Description | Sample Valid Request Body |
GET | /api/accounts/user-account | Gets user account information if he has one | |
POST | /api/accounts/private-create | Creates privet seller account | JSON |
POST | /api/accounts/dealer-create | Creates dealer account | JSON |
Method | Url | Description | Sample Valid Request Body |
GET | /api/images/{folder}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{offerId}/{fileName:.+} | Serves offers images by image key from offer entity |
Method | Url | Description | Sample Valid Request Body |
POST | /api/vehicles/offers/search | Filter available offers | JSON |
POST | /api/vehicles/offers/search/favorites | Get user's favorites offers by ids | JSON |
POST | /api/vehicles/offers/search/save | Saves filter for later easy search | JSON |
GET | /api/vehicles/offers/search/list | List saved searches | |
DEL | /api/vehicles/offers/search/saved-search/{offerId} | Delete saved search |
Method | Url | Description | Sample Valid Request Body |
POST | /api/vehicles/offers | Create offer | JSON |
POST | /api/vehicles/offers/update/{offerId} | Update offer | JSON |
GET | /api/vehicles/offers/load-for-edit/{offerId} | Load offer for update | |
GET | /api/vehicles/offers/details/{offerId} | Load offer for detailed view | |
DEL | /api/vehicles/offers/{offerId} | Delete offer by id | |
GET | /api/vehicles/offers/top | Get list of latest offers | |
GET | /api/vehicles/offers/statistics | Get general data like total active offers, max price, min price etc. | |
GET | /api/vehicles/offers/{accountId}/count | Get user's taken offers slots |
POST http://localhost:8007/api/auth/# HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
"username": "",
"password": "123456"
GET http://localhost:8007/api/auth/logout HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
POST http://localhost:8007/api/auth/#-or-register HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
"username": ""
POST http://localhost:8007/api/auth/register HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
"username": "",
"password": "123456",
"confirmPassword": "123456"
POST http://localhost:8007/api/auth/password-reset-request HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
"username": ""
POST http://localhost:8007/api/users/password/update HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
"oldPassword": "123",
"newPassword": "123456",
"confirmPassword": "123456"
POST http://localhost:8007/api/accounts/private-create HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"firstName": "Rhiannon",
"lastName": "Hilpert",
"displayName": "Barton - Lockman LLC",
"description": "Dolorem dolor reiciendis.",
"contactDetailsPhoneNumber": "1-108-227-7318 x0771",
"contactDetailsWebLink": "",
"accountType": "PRIVATE"
POST http://localhost:8007/api/accounts/dealer-create HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"firstName": "Willa",
"lastName": "Hodkiewicz",
"displayName": "Schuppe Group and Sons",
"description": "Nostrum saepe ut perferendis aperiam similique ipsum et.",
"contactDetailsPhoneNumber": "970.105.0507",
"contactDetailsWebLink": "",
"addressLocationId": 2521,
"addressStreet": "5505 N. Summit Street",
"accountType": "DEALER"
POST http://localhost:8007/api/vehicles/offers/search?page=0&size=20&sort=createdAt,desc HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
"bodyStyle": "SEDAN",
"color": "",
"doorsFrom": null,
"doorsTo": null,
"drive": "",
"features": [],
"fuelType": "",
"hasAccident": "",
"makerName": "BMW",
"mileageFrom": "245",
"mileageTo": "266899",
"modelName": "",
"priceFrom": "1988",
"priceTo": "145000",
"seller": [],
"state": [],
"transmission": "",
"trim": null,
"yearFrom": "1991",
"yearTo": "2020"
POST http://localhost:8007/api/vehicles/offers/search/favorites?page=0&size=20&sort=createdAt,desc HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
POST http://localhost:8007/api/vehicles/offers/search/save HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"bodyStyle": "SEDAN",
"color": "",
"doorsFrom": null,
"doorsTo": null,
"drive": "",
"features": [],
"fuelType": "",
"hasAccident": "",
"makerName": "BMW",
"mileageFrom": "245",
"mileageTo": "266899",
"modelName": "",
"priceFrom": "1988",
"priceTo": "145000",
"seller": [],
"state": [],
"transmission": "",
"trim": null,
"yearFrom": "1991",
"yearTo": "2020"
POST http://localhost:8007/api/vehicles/offers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"contactDetailsPhoneNumber": "(875) 156-5031 x7090",
"contactDetailsWebLink": "",
"addressLocationPostalCode": "5791",
"description": "Price includes warranty! Fuel economy up to 38 MPG featuring a Power Moonroof, Backup Camera,...",
"hasAccident": "false",
"price": "10495",
"images": ["multipart_file1", "multipart_file1"],
"vehicle": {
"bodyStyle": "SEDAN",
"color": "BLACK",
"doors": "4",
"fuelType": "GASOLINE",
"makerName": "Volkswagen",
"mileage": "40000",
"modelName": "Jetta",
"state": "USED",
"transmission": "AUTOMATIC",
"trim": "1.4T SE FWD",
"year": "2017",
"features": [
POST http://localhost:8007/api/vehicles/offers/859c62a7-d4a2-41b7-86dc-2baed439707a HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Content-Type: application/bg.autohouse.api-v1+json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"contactDetailsPhoneNumber": "(875) 156-5031 x7090",
"contactDetailsWebLink": "",
"addressLocationPostalCode": "5791",
"description": "Price includes warranty! Fuel economy up to 38 MPG featuring a Power Moonroof, Backup Camera,...",
"hasAccident": "false",
"price": "10495",
"images": ["multipart_file1", "multipart_file1"],
"vehicle": {
"bodyStyle": "SEDAN",
"color": "BLACK",
"doors": "4",
"fuelType": "GASOLINE",
"makerName": "Volkswagen",
"mileage": "40000",
"modelName": "Jetta",
"state": "USED",
"transmission": "AUTOMATIC",
"trim": "1.4T SE FWD",
"year": "2017",
"features": [