This repository contains the soruce code for the Robot Ethology Project (Cogs 211 - Perception and Action).
This code is written in C and is compatible with the KIPR Link module, running on a robot with two continuous rotation servo motors, left and right IR (distance) sensors, analog "bumper" sensors (front and back) and analog light sensors (left and right).
You will need to download the KISS Platform's Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in order to upload code to the KIPR Link. This project was developed using version 5.2.2. Find the download link and install instructions for Windows here, and for OSX here.
The KIPR Link makes use of the Libkovan library for most functions that are specific to the operation of the device. Documentation for that library can be found here.
For a general overview of programming for the KIPR Link, and a nice general introduction to programming in C, go to the documentation provided in the KISS IDE by selecting the following from the drop-down menu in the software: Help>>Documentation>>KIPR/KISS DOCUMENTATION.
The PDF manual for the KIPR Link can be found at (this link)[].