- ESP-IDF component for pid-tuning-gui. This transports data, between the plotter and esp device.
cd <your_esp_idf_project>
mkdir components
cd components
cp $IDF_PATH/examples/common_components/protocol_examples_common . -r
git clone https://github.com/VedantParanjape/logger
git clone https://github.com/VedantParanjape/pid-plotter-component pid_plotter
Change CMakeList.txt to add the line given below:
set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS <path_to_component_folder>)
Set UDP and TCP server IP address and port in menuconfig, under component config
Set wifi ssid and password to use.
include "pid_plotter.h"
must be called in app_main -
must be used to push pid_data struct to the message queue, by passing such a struct to this function, this data will be sent to client for plotting. -
returns the pid_const struct received from user.
- PID Constants (Kp, Ki, Kd, and setpoint) are received by esp32, by connecting to a tcp server.
- TCP server should send the values as a json string.
"Kp" : 1.0,
"Ki" : 2.0,
"Kd" : 3.0,
"SetPoint" : 4.0
PID constants json format
- Calculated PID values (P, I, D, current, error) are sent by esp32 through udp, sent to a udp server.
- Values are sent as a json string through UDP.
"P" : 1.0,
"I" : 2.0,
"D" : 3.0,
"current" : 4.0,
"error" : 5.0
PID data json format
#include "pid_plotter.h"
void broad()
struct pid_terms dt;
dt.current = 1.00;
dt.error = 2.00;
dt.P = 3.00;
dt.I = 4.00;
dt.D = 5.00;
esp_err_t err = send_to_queue(dt);
err = send_to_queue(dt);
logD("main", "%f", pid_const_read().setpoint);
void app_main(void)
xTaskCreate(broad, "send", 4096, NULL, 1, NULL);