⚠️ This repository is under construction: This repository is being build and therefore is at this point in time incomplete and lacks proper testing.
This is library is an ES module, not a CommonJS one.
npm i chartino
Creating a simple linechart with one line in typescript can be done as follows:
import { ChartLine, LineChart } from "chartino";
//data object where the keys are timestamps in milliseconds.
const data = {
1672502400000: 5, // September 1, 2023
1672588800000: 10, // September 2, 2023
1672675200000: 13, // September 3, 2023
1672761600000: 9, // September 4, 2023
1672848000000: 4, // September 5, 2023
const lineChart = new LineChart("chart"); // "chart" points to a div with chart as id.
const chartLine: ChartLine = new ChartLine(data);
chartLineTwo.color = "#008000"; //color green
The corresponding html will be as follows:
<div id="chart"></div>
Adding lines is possible. This can be done as follows:
const chartLine = new ChartLine(data);
const anotherChartLine = new ChartLine(data);
This library allows you to configure a custom mouse tooltip. Create a new object from the class MouseTooltip and pass in a function as argument. This function should return a string which represents the html code for the tooltip.
class MouseTooltip(callback: ((time: Date, tooltipData: TooltipData) => string))
const getTooltipHtml = (time: Date, tooltipData: {value: number, color: string}[]) => {
return "<div><p>" + time.toString() +": " + tooltipData[0].value + "</p></div>";
//new MouseTooltip
const tooltip = new MouseTooltip(getTooltipHtml)
//position the tooltip 10 pixels to the bottom and 10 pixels to the top of the mouse.
tooltip.positionCallback = (x:number,y:number) => ({x: x +10, y: y +10})