This repo was forked from the following public location -
Theses checks have been expanded to cover all pillars of the Well Architected Framework and enable customer responses via the use of the CSV.
Install Powerpipe, or use Brew:
brew install turbot/tap/powerpipe
This mod also requires Steampipe with the following data sources.
Install Steampipe, or use Brew, AWS plugin & CSV plugin:
brew install turbot/tap/steampipe
steampipe plugin install aws
steampipe plugin install csv
Steampipe will automatically use your default AWS credentials. Optionally, you can setup multiple accounts or customize AWS credentials.
Finally, install the mod:
mkdir dashboards
cd dashboards
powerpipe mod init
powerpipe mod install
The CSV file is used to show answers from the customer. An example is located in the root of this respository war.csv
Copy this file root of the directory you installed the mod.
cp ../war.csv .
and customise with the answers from the customer.
, Ok
& Info
are valid values for the status column and will show the relative status in the powerpipe dashboard.
Start Steampipe as the data source:
steampipe service start
Start the dashboard server:
powerpipe server
Browse and view your dashboards at http://localhost:9033
Instead of running benchmarks in a dashboard, you can also run them within your
terminal with the powerpipe benchmark
List available benchmarks:
powerpipe benchmark list
Run a benchmark:
powerpipe benchmark run well_architected_framework
Run a benchmark for a specific pillar:
powerpipe benchmark run well_architected_framework_security
Run a benchmark for a specific question:
powerpipe benchmark run well_architected_framework_sec01
Run a benchmark for a specific best practice:
powerpipe benchmark run well_architected_framework_sec01_bp01
Different output formats are also available, for more information please see Output Formats.
The benchmark queries use common properties (like account_id
, connection_name
and region
) and tags that are defined in the dependent AWS Compliance mod These properties can be executed in the following ways:
It's easiest to setup your vars file, starting with the sample:
cp steampipe.spvars.example steampipe.spvars
vi steampipe.spvars
Alternatively you can pass variables on the command line:
powerpipe benchmark run well_architected_framework_security --var 'common_dimensions=["account_id", "connection_name", "region"]'
Or through environment variables:
export PP_VAR_common_dimensions='["account_id", "connection_name", "region"]'
export PP_VAR_tag_dimensions='["Environment", "Owner"]'
powerpipe benchmark run well_architected_framework_security
This repository is published under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see our code of conduct. We look forward to collaborating with you!
Steampipe and Powerpipe are products produced from this open source software, exclusively by Turbot HQ, Inc. They are distributed under our commercial terms. Others are allowed to make their own distribution of the software, but cannot use any of the Turbot trademarks, cloud services, etc. You can learn more in our Open Source FAQ.
Want to help but don't know where to start? Pick up one of the help wanted
- Thanks to @JPPienaar and @nathanwebsterdotme from Daemon for developing some of the control mappings used in the Well-Architected Framework benchmarks.