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VillagerUnknown's Immortal Villagers

Prevents villagers from taking damage, dying, and turning into zombies or witches.


  • Villagers cannot die and can optionally "respawn" at the closest bed.
  • Optionally reset Villager Trades by crouching and giving them an Emerald or Emerald Block with a configurable name.
  • Optionally convert Nitwits to Villagers by interacting with them using a Book.
  • Optionally convert Villagers to Nitwits by interacting with them using a Stick with a configurable name.
  • Configurable Zombie and Witch conversion chances.
  • Optionally convert Witches to Villagers by giving them a Golden Apple or Enchanted Golden Apple while they're under the effects of Weakness.


  • maxSearchRadiusInBlocks - Radius in blocks a villager respawn will look for a bed. (Default: 64)

  • reportVillagerDamageToLogs - Report Damage to Villagers to Logs. (Default: false)

  • reportVillagerRespawnsToLogs - Report Respawns of Villagers to Logs. (Default: false)

  • reportVillagerConversionsToLogs - Report Villager Conversions to Logs. (Default: false)

  • enableVillagerDamageButRespawn - Allow damage to Villagers but Respawn Villagers at the Nearest Bed. (Default: false)

  • enableNitwitEducation - Allow converting Nitwits into Villagers without a profession by interacting with them while holding a Book. (Default: false)

  • enableVillagerStupidification - Allow converting Villagers into Nitwits by interacting with them while holding a Stick renamed to the set config value. (Default: false)

  • villagerStupidificationItemName - The required name of the Stick to convert Villagers to Nitwits. Ignores case. (Default: stupid)

  • enableVillagerTradesReset - Allow Resetting Trades for Villagers by crouching and interacting with them while holding an Emerald or Emerald Block renamed to the set config value. (Default: false)

  • villagerTradesResetItemName - The required name of the Emerald or Emerald Block to Reset Villager Trades. Ignores case. (Default: reset)

  • zombieConversionChance - Chance for Zombie Conversion (Default: 0)

  • witchConversionChance - Chance for Witch Conversion (Default: 0)

  • enableWitchToVillagerConversion - Allow converting Witches into Villagers by giving them a Golden Apple or Enchanted Golden Apple while they're under the effects of Weakness. (Default: false)


Note: If a Villager gets converted to a Witch and then converted back to a Villager, they will not have the same trades.