Hermes is a command-line utility designed for efficient file search operations across directories and drives. It utilizes the Levenshtein distance algorithm to match file names based on a specified precision level, allowing for fuzzy searches where exact matches might not be possible.
- Search Across Directories and Drives: Hermes can search within a specified directory or across all available drives.
- Fuzzy Matching: Utilize the precision feature to find files that are similar but not identical to the search query.
- Concurrent Search: Hermes leverages parallel processing to speed up the search across multiple directories.
- Customizable Output: Displays the top 10 best-matching files based on search precision.
Hermes <path> <file_name> <precision>
: The directory or drive to search in. Use ALL_DRIVES to search across all available drives.
<file_name>: The name of the file you want to search for. Wildcards are not supported, but you can specify partial names.
: An integer between 0 and 100 representing the search precision. A lower precision value allows for more lenient matches.
To search for a file named document.txt in the C:\Users\ directory with a 75% match precision:
Hermes "C:\Users\" "document.txt" 75%
Hermes ALL_DRIVES "document.txt" 50%
To use Hermes, you need to have .NET installed on your system. Once installed, compile the program using:
git clone
dotnet build
Add the bin folder to your PATH enviroment varibles to use it.