- 🔭 I’m currently working on a few projects including Pentest-Tools.com (on my alternative GitHub account viorel-mocanu-ptt) and my own YouTube channel.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Astro and HTMX.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on creating easy to use starter projects for people beginning their journey in IT, front end, back end, devops, etc.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with editing my YouTube videos and QA for the projects I'm building pro bono.
- 💬 Ask me about how to start a career in design or development.
- 📫 How to reach me: Discord, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn or my personal site (in 🇷🇴 Romanian only for now, planning to start an 🇬🇧🇸 English version soon).
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I started out in Front End Development in the 1990's, when Jeffrey Zeldman (with A List Apart) and others were fighting to create and uphold Web Standards. We now live by them and it's a wonderful time to start working in the field, so I'm devoting part of my time to encourage you to do so.
If you'd like to explore some of my useful community projects, please note some of them are in 🇷🇴 Romanian but most of the complex ones are, or will be multi-lingual with versions in 🇬🇧 English as well. All ongoing and complex projects which allow for contributions have most of their Issues, PRs, Projects, Project Tasks, Documentation and Code in 🇬🇧 English.
- ✅ LinkInBio - A very simple website / page containing a list of links similar to what LinkTree offers its users. Part of my Live Coding tutorial sessions on YouTube in 🇷🇴 Romanian. Preview LinkInBio »
- ✅ LayoutComplex - A slightly more complex layout built with vanilla HTML and CSS. Part of my Live Coding tutorial sessions on YouTube in 🇷🇴 Romanian. Preview LayoutComplex »
- ✅ DeDeDe.ro - A real pest control company belonging to one of my friends, whom I helped by building a fully functional Svelte + ElderJS website in public. Part of my Live Coding tutorial sessions on YouTube in 🇷🇴 Romanian. Preview DeDeDe.ro »
- 🏗️ Resurse.dev - A complex project involving the extraction of almost 2000 links from the original document and organizing them into a realistic project started from scratch (from de# to deployment) that can actually help people who are starting out. Part of my Live Coding tutorial sessions on YouTube in 🇷🇴 Romanian. Preview Resurse.dev » [Help is welcome!]
- 💡 ViorelMocanu.ro - A project I haven't started yet, but it's meant to replace my old Wordpress site with a brand new Astro project. It will all be built in public and visible in a special playlist on my YouTube channel in 🇷🇴 Romanian.
- 💡 A project for an NGO - A project I haven't started yet, but it's meant to provide an NGO we'll pick on Discord with a digital presence and a website/web app that will actually be useful for them. It will also be built in public and visible in a special playlist on my YouTube channel in 🇷🇴 Romanian.
- ✅ Info ID - Teme – If you're a student of the University of Bucharest in 🇷🇴 Romania, Faculty of Informatics (Computer Science), this should be really helpful for you, as it contains all the learning materials you need to pass all exams.