This is the code for Paper: Learning Class-Agnostic Pseudo Mask Generation for Box-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Paper. In this paper, we aim at seeking for a more accurate learning-based class-agnostic pseudo mask generator tailored to box-supervised semantic segmentation.
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch >= 1.2 (tested on Pytorch version 1.2.0, 1.6.0)
- CPU or NVIDIA GPU + Cuda + Cudnn
Pretrained models and the generated pseudo labels can be found at Google Drive or Baidu Cloud (extract code: 4aai).
Download PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset and extract the training images to $your_voc_root/JPEGImages and the annotations under $your_voc_root/Annotations. We suggest that you use the train_aug dataset (with 10582 training images). Download MS-COCO dataset and extract the training images to $your_coco_root/train2017, and then put mask annotation file (instances_train2017.json) under $your_coco_root/annotations. Run the following script for generating COCO (60 classes) labels for training LPG models:
python utils/ --dataRoot $your_coco_root
This script will generate gt labels of COCO(60 classes) under $your_coco_root/train2017_seg60 and Bbox labels of COCO(60 classes) under $your_coco_root/train2017_bbox60.
Download the pretrained LPG models from the given link and put them under "PretrainedModel/LPG/", then run following script to generate pseudo labels for training segmentation backbone.
python --dataset voc --round (1|2|3) --model_path_test ./PretrainedModel/LPG/(LPG_Round1.pth | LPG_Round2.pth | LPG_Round3.pth) --voc_proposals_dir $yourPathToSavePseudoLabels --model_type (vgg16 | resnet101) --init_voc_model_path $yourPretrained_segemenation_backbone
Note: The number of round should be the same to the corresponding LPG model. For example, if you choose the generate pseudo labels on round 2 using ResNet101 backbone, then set "--round 2 --model_path_test ./PretrainedModel/LPG/LPG_Round2.pth ----init_voc_model_path ./PretrainedModel/LPG/ResNet101/DeeplabV2Resnet101_VOC_Round1.pth". Here, the round of segmentaion backbone should be 1 less than the LPG, because the LPG model is trained to refine the rough predictions of the segmentation backbone trained on previous round.
To test the performance of the segmentation backbone trained with generated pseudo labels by LPG, run the following scripts:
python --type test --root_path $your_voc_root --model_type (vgg16 | resnet101) --model_path $pretrainedModel
Then run crf post-processing:
python --type crf --root_path $your_voc_root --model_type (vgg16 | resnet101) --n_jobs $numberOfWorkers
Remember to put your generated pseudo masks $path_name_pseudo_masks under your VOC data root $your_voc_root.
To train DeepLabV1-LargeFOV-VGG16:
python --root_path $your_voc_root --label_path_name $path_name_pseudo_masks --model_type vgg16 --init_model_path $initial_model --save_path $pathToSaveModels --cuda (True | False) --workers $numberOfWorkers
To train DeepLabV2-ResNet101:
python --root_path $your_voc_root --label_path_name $path_name_pseudo_masks --model_type resnet101 --init_model_path $initial_model --save_path $pathToSaveModels --cuda (True | False) --workers $numberOfWorkers
To train LPG models, run the following script:
python --coco_root_dir $your_coco_root --init_seg_model_path $pathOfSegmentBackbone --init_lpg_model_path $pathOfPretrainedLPGModel (from previous training round)
Please cite our paper
author = {Chaohao Xie and Dongwei Ren and Lei Wang and Qinghua Hu and Liang Lin and Wangmeng Zuo},
title = {Learning Class-Agnostic Pseudo Mask Generation for Box-Supervised Semantic Segmentation},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05463},
year = {2021},
We benifit a lot from kazuto1011/deeplab-pytorch and wangleihitcs/DeepLab-V1-PyTorch, thanks for their excellent work.