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Eugene Ciurana edited this page Mar 19, 2020 · 7 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions


What is COVIDvu?

COVIDvu is an open source, crowd-sourced effort to provide the tools for data science analysis of the SARS-COVID-19 virus pandemic time series and any other available dataset. COVIDvu stands for COVID view.

What is

VirusTrack is the main public output of the work in the COVIDvu project.



How are data organized? The COVIDvu package works as schema-on-read or schema-on-use. The data is pulled in the native formats defined in the data sources, and processed to form various datasets as it circulates through the data pipeline. The pipeline is responsible for cleaning, homologizing, and enriching the data in discrete stages.

How do I view a notebook if I don't want to install the mini lab? Use nbviewer, provide the GitHub URL to the raw file.

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