Search Guru is a platform which scrapes information from different IIT's websites and various department/ branches and shows collectively various professors information such as their background, contact, address, experience, scholarly publications, skills and accomplishments, researcher identity, etc. on a single webpage. Currently people working on it are:
Aashish Kumar Vishal Anand Dheeraj Yadav Kriti Mehta Anam Siddiqui Rashika Rathi
Install the Node Package Manager
$ sudo snap install node --classic --channel=10
$ npm install nodemon -g
Fork this repo and clone it
$ git clone<Your User Name>/search_guru.git
Open the folder search_guru and install the dependencies
$ npm install
Run the application
# In the search_guru folder
$ nodemon
# Inside the client folder
$ npm start
The web app runs at port 4200 i.e. http://localhost:4200/ and the Mongoose db at port 3000