Amidst the allure of a vast collection of papers, the true essence of strength remains elusive.
It is not in the proliferation of papers that one finds resilience, but in the discernment cultivated through thoughtful examination.
Just as a sea of volumes does not grant wisdom, true power transcends the mere abundance of texts, residing instead in the profound comprehension and contemplation embedded within each word.
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- King of Papers
- Read: Fragrance of Papers
- Write: Planting of Papers
- Accept: Bloom of Papers
- Beauty of Papers
😻Stand on the shoulders of Dalaos.
😺How to read papers and find ideas.
😸How to write papers.
😽How to choose a journal/conference, submit, revise, pay, and publish for papers.
- CCF推荐:国际刊物, 中文刊物
- CCF Conference Deadlines
- LetPub最新SCI期刊影响因子查询及投稿分析系统
- Google 学术出版物排名前 100 名
- LetPub: NSFC项目查询
- IEEE Author Portal
投稿时间:周二 😍, 周三 😊; 周六 😟
投稿顺序:SCI一区 Top > SCI一区 > CCF A > SCI二区Top > SCI二区 > CCF B
Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
- IF > 10 😍 😍 😍
- TPAMI: IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (SCI一区 Top, CCF A), Link, IF24=20.8
- TIP: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (SCI一区 Top, CCF A), Link, IF24=10.8
- IF: Information Fusion (SCI一区 Top, CCF A), Link, IF24=14.7
- IJCV: International Journal of Computer Vision (SCI二区
Top, CCF A), Link, IF24=11.6 - TNNLS: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (SCI一区 Top, CCF B), Link, IF24=10.2
- TII: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (SCI一区 Top, CCF C), Link, IF24=11.7
- TMM: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (SCI一区 Top, CCF B), Link, IF24=8.4
- TCSVT: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (SCI一区 Top, CCF B), Link, IF24=8.3
- PR: Pattern Recognition (SCI一区 Top, CCF B), Link, IF24=7.5
- TITS: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCI一区 Top, CCF B), Link, IF24=7.9
- Neural Networks (SCI一区 Top, CCF B), Link, IF24=6.0
- Advanced Engineering Informatics (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=8.0
- KBS: Knowledge-Based Systems (SCI一区 Top, CCF C), Link, IF24=7.2
- [TCyb]: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=9.4
Information Sciences (SCI一区 Top, CCF B)- ESWA: Expert Systems with Applications (SCI一区 Top, CCF C), Link, IF24=7.5
TIV: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (SCI一区) <On Hold>- IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=8.2
- JMS: Journal of Manufacturing Systems (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=12.2
- [TKDE]: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (SCI二区, CCF A), Link, IF24=8.9
- [EAAI]: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (SCI二区 Top, CCF C), Link, IF24=7.5
- NC: Neurocomputing (SCI二区 Top, CCF C), Link, IF24=5.5
- TIM: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (SCI二区 Top), Link, IF24=5.6
- [AI]: Applied Intelligence (SCI二区, CCF C), Link, IF24=3.4
- SP: Signal Processing (SCI二区, CCF C), Link, IF24=3.4
- [TCI]: IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging (SCI二区), Link, IF24=4.2
- CAIS: Complex & Intelligent Systems (SCI二区 OA), Link, IF24=5.0
- [EC]: Evolutionary Computation (SCI二区), Link, IF24=4.6
- Computational Visual Media (SCI三区), Link, IF24=17.3
- CVIU: Computer Vision and Image Understanding (SCI三区, CCF B), Link, IF24=4.3
- ACM TOMM: ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (SCI三区, CCF B), Link, IF24=5.2
- IEEE Transactions on Big Data (SCI三区), IF24=7.5
- [TETCI]: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (SCI三区), Link, IF24=5.3
- MS: Multimedia Systems (SCI三区, CCF C), Link, IF24=3.5
- MMIR: International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (SCI三区), Link, IF24=3.6
- NCAA: Neural Computing and Applications (SCI三区, CCF C), Link, IF24=4.5
- The Visual Computer (SCI三区, CCF C), Link, IF24=3.0
- Image and Vision Computing (SCI三区, CCF C), Link, IF24=4.2
- DSP: Digital Signal Processing (SCI三区), Link, IF24=2.9
- [IJMLC]: International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics(SCI三区), Link, IF24=3.1
- TIIS: ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (SCI四区, CCF C), Link, IF24=3.6
- TIST: ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (SCI四区), Link, IF24=7.2
- IET IP: IET Image Processing (SCI四区, CCF C, OA: $2530), Link, IF24=2.0
- IET CV: IET Computer Vision (SCI四区, CCF C, OA: $2420), Link, IF24=1.5
- IET SP: IET Signal Processing (SCI四区, CCF C, OA: $2375), Link, IF24=1.1
- [JVCIR]: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (SCI四区, CCF C), Link, IF24=2.6
- Letter:
- RAL: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (SCI二区 Top, CCF C), Link, IF24=4.6, 6页~8页
- SPL: IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SCI二区, CCF C), Link, IF24=3.2, 4页内容+1页参考文献
- GRSL: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (SCI
二区三区, CCF C), Link, IF24=4.0, 4页内容+1页参考文献 - PRL: Pattern Recognition Letters (SCI三区, CCF C), Link, IF24=3.9, 6页内容+1页参考文献
- ICT Express (SCI三区, OA:$1500), Link, IF24=4.1, 6页内容+1页参考文献;也收综述;
- NPL: Neural Processing Letters (SCI四区, CCF C, OA:$2990), Link, IF24=2.6
- 中文:
- 模式识别与人工智能 (EI)
- 自动化学报 (EI)
- JIG: 中国图象图形学报, Link
- 西安电子科技大学学报 (EI), Link
- JCC: 指挥与控制学报
CCF Selected Conferences
- CVPR, CCF A, 8页+4页参考文献
- AAAI, CCF A, 6页+2页参考文献, 8月15日.
- IJCAI, CCF A, 7页+2页参考文献
- ICASSP, CCF B, 4页+1页参考文献, 6月~9月
- ICIP: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
- PRCV, CCF C, 最长14页(含参考文献), 匿名提交
Remote Sensing
- ISPRS: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=10.6.
- RSE: Remote Sensing of Environment (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=11.1
- TGRS: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (SCI一区, CCF B), Link, IF24=7.5
- JSTARS: Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (SCI二区 Top, OA:
$1496$1800), Link, IF24=4.7 - Sensors: IEEE Sensors Journal (SCI二区
Top, 第9页开始$175/超页, 或者OA: $1750), Link, IF24=4.3 - RS: Remote Sensing (SCI二区
Top, OA: $3000), Link, IF24=4.2 - IPT: Infrared Physics and Technology (SCI三区), Link, IF24=3.1
- GSIS:Geo-spatial Information Science (SCI一区, OA: $2195), Link, IF24=4.4
- TGIS: International Journal of Geographical Information Science (SCI 一区, OA: $2195, CCF C), Link, IF24=4.3
- JAG: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (SCI一区 Top, OA: $3020), Link, IF24=7.6
- IJDE: International Journal of Digital Earth (SCI一区, OA: $2990), Link, IF24=3.7
- European Journal of Remote Sensing (SCI四区, OA: $1250), Link
- IGARSS: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2024 [2025]
- JRS: 遥感学报 (EI), Link
- 雷达学报 (EI)
Medical Image Analysis
- Nature Biomedical Engineering (Nature子刊, SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=26.8
- MEDIA: Medical Image Analysis (SCI一区 Top, CCF C), Link, IF24=10.7
- TMI: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=8.9
- JBHI: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (SCI二区 Top), Link, IF24=6.7
CIBM: Computers in Biology and Medicine (SCI二区 Top) <On Hold>- BSPC: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (SCI二区), Link, IF24=4.9
- CMIG: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (SCI二区), Link, IF24=5.4
- IMA: International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (SCI四区), Link, IF24=3.0
- Conferences:
- IPMI: Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 两年一次
- MICCAI: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 每年一次
- ISBI: International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 每年一次 (4页)
Food Sciences
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=5.7
- Elsevier
- Food Quality and Preference (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=4.9
- Food Research International (SCI一区 Top), Link, IF24=7.0
- Journal of Dairy Science (SCI一区 Top, OA: 3500), Link, IF24=3.7
- Wiley
- Journal of Food Science (SCI二区), Link, IF24=3.2
🐈How to find a loaf of bread.
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