This Task Management System is a Python-based application that allows users to manage tasks efficiently. It includes functionalities for user registration, task creation, task overview reporting, and user-specific task management. The system supports different user roles, with the admin user having additional capabilities like generating and displaying statistics.
User Authentication: Secure login system with username and password.
User Registration: Admin can register new users.
Task Management: Users can add tasks, view all tasks, and view tasks assigned to them.
Reporting: Generate and view task and user overview reports (admin only).
Input Validation: Ensures clean and valid user inputs.
File Storage: User and task data is stored in text files for persistence. The main script containing all functionalities.
user.txt: Stores user data (username and password).
tasks.txt: Stores task data.
task_overview.txt: Stores task overview report.
user_overview.txt: Stores user overview report.
- Installation section.
- Usage section.
- Section for credits.
Prerequisites Python 3.x
Basic knowledge of Python and command line interface
git clone
cd finalCapstone
- Login
Note: For the first time, the default credentials you should use are: Username-admin, Password-password.
View the tasks that are assigned to the current user
- Here you can either edit the task or mark it as completed.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Thanks to the amazing team at CoGrammar for their support and guidance.
The whole project was written by Vladyslav Shcherbak